Wish your XSport had a little more punch? HERE YA GO! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wish your XSport had a little more punch? HERE YA GO!


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2013
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Dearborn Heights, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport
Great New XSport Package From Livernois!


Our LPP350103 Performance Package is guaranteed to give you nothing but traffic dodging holiday cheer! :D

The package includes:
MyCalibrator Tuner featuring our Custom Tuning
Windstorm Cold Air Intake
EvenFlo 160° Performance Thermostat
and our
Pre-gapped Spark Plugs​

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What do you offer for those of us who would rather not change plugs and thermostat?

What do you offer for those of us who would rather not change plugs and thermostat?

Good question!

We still offer our:

MyCal Tuner
Windstorm Cold Air Intake
Thunderstorm Downpipe
Thunderstorm Performance Exhaust

Just keep in mind that we recommend the plugs and thermostat for efficiency, drivability and repeatability. Those are the 3 most important things to us when up-fitting a vehicle.

so Tune only would a less than desired route to go?
I want to improve my sport, but not enough to start swapping parts.

so Tune only would a less than desired route to go?
I want to improve my sport, but not enough to start swapping parts.

The attached ad is what you could call our Stage 1 tuner kit. We do recommend a cold air and a tune at the very least. That is BY FAR your best 1,2 punch for more performance and efficiency!

Can anyone elaborate what the 1,2 punch is? I keep reading "1,2" issues..I feel my ex is a turd around 1-2000 RPM. Is this what they're talking about? What tune fixes it and what does it do, exactly?

It means you get gains with a tune and intake. Self explanatory really. I have a tune and intake with thermo and plugs. Drives like a beast. Now if it would only stop leaking.....

It means you get gains with a tune and intake. Self explanatory really. I have a tune and intake with thermo and plugs. Drives like a beast. Now if it would only stop leaking.....

leaking what??

leaking what??

Water through the roof. Common problem. Third row seats. Runs down the seatbelt then soaks the carpets and pools water in the spare tire compartment

No I mean I keep reading about "1-2 issues" on every forum. What is that?

You may be reading about the 1-2 no shift condition. There is a well known and documented 1st - 2nd gear no shift condition on some of the Xsport models mainly when under hard acceleration and traction control off. The vehicles can get to the top of 1st and get some wheel hop or wheel spin which then will, on occasion, go into a moment of feeling like it slipped into neutral or missed second. They then come back in 2nd and quickly shift from 2nd to 3rd.

We have released our latest tune revisions with some major improvements on this 1-2 no shift that we have found happens even on a stock vehicle with no mods what so ever. Most people have noticed this issue say going to pass another vehicle or make a light before it turns red. Sudden wide open throttle downshifts combined with some small stutter bumps in the road they try to spin the tires and the computer tries to shut that down. This combination can have some strange quirks from there when shifting to the next gear still on the gas.

any dyno numbers?this tune been here for a long time but havent seen any dyno #...

Here is a dyno graph of a very similar list of mods on an install we did here at our facility.


  • Ecoboost 3.5L Dyno chart.jpg
    Ecoboost 3.5L Dyno chart.jpg
    59.2 KB · Views: 869

What can you put together for my 14 XLT to give me the best boost for my money?

What can you put together for my 14 XLT to give me the best boost for my money?

We could set you up with an estimate if you would like. I will PM you to set up some info to best suit your goals and budget. Typically for the Ecoboost models we prefer the entire bolt on set up to make the most bang for your buck. Tune, Windstorm cold air intake, Even Flo 160 degree thermostat, our Thunderstorm down pipes, and cat back exhaust. From there the next step would be methanol injection and / or upgraded turbos. I see you have an XLT which if I am not mistaken is the N/A 3.5L.
