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Got my stickers! and Some new black headlights with Xenon bulbs!!.....265s installed by Thursday as well! :)


Halfway done!



Brights and Xenon


lookin good gregor ... say ... ive got some stock ones if you wanna trade? haha that really needs to be my next investment ... my front end just looks dumb ...

haha I would trade but dont feel like takin them off again :) but thank you for the comments. And they didnt put too much of a dent in my pocket. Good investment for sure

Lookin good Gregorh! Looks 10x better than the old black covers. :thumbsup:

I figure it's been a while since I posted any current pics, so here's some. I polished up the wheels a bit, though they are a lost cause what with all the flaking and pitting.




Adam, what size rims and tires?
It looks good

Edit- looked at your other posts. Those definitely don't look like 20's with the btf lift!

Edit- looked at your other posts. Those definitely don't look like 20's with the btf lift!

Yeah, they look kinda small compared to 20's on stock height Ex's. I've also got 275/55/20 tires, which are 31.9" or 2" bigger than stock. I wanted to do a 1.5" body lift and put either 285/70/17 or 275/60/20's on it with new wheels. That is, if my wife doesn't decide that she can't climb into it now that she's pregnant. lol

I wanted to do a 1.5" body lift and put either 285/70/17 or 275/60/20's on it with new wheels.

as soon as i can find some used ones, ill be running 285/70/17s with 2.25f/1.75r and a 1.5 bl to give you an idea of what itll look like

as soon as i can find some used ones, ill be running 285/70/17s with 2.25f/1.75r and a 1.5 bl to give you an idea of what itll look like

How can you all afford the gas running 285's?! :eek: I hate fill ups with 245's

How can you all afford the gas running 285's?! :eek: I hate fill ups with 245's



the exploder is my part time vehicle in the summer

dang kazer ... are yard full of toys huh? i have a yard full of toys toO ... bicycles, tricycles, trampoline, powerwheels, and i cant even play with them :(

Actually just the bike is mine. I'm only 18, so my dad owns the toys (jet skis, pontoon, convertible)......for now

i still like those aftermarket tail lights the most fedy, i kick myself for not getting those everytime i see them

i still like those aftermarket tail lights the most fedy, i kick myself for not getting those everytime i see them

Me too. Really glad I got a pair last month.

thanks man, the first time I took my trailer out some girl ran into the back of my trailer while I was at a stop light. it made a really loud noise and I thought my tranny dropped , then i looked in my rearview mirror and saw some girl in a armada backing up, no damage to trailer but I could not believe it.

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thanks man, the first time I took my trailer out some girl ran into the back of my trailer while I was at a stop light. it made a really loud noise and I thought my tranny dropped , then i looked in my rearview mirror and saw some girl in a armada backing up, no damage to trailer but I could not believe it.

was she hot ? :D
