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Plasti Dip on Mufflers


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2015
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'14 Explorer Sport
Would Plasti Dip be able to take the heat from the mufflers? I had my magna flows installed a year ago and they are starting to show rust sports when your looking from the rear and I would love to make them black to match the car....but not sure if this would hold up

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Would Plasti Dip be able to take the heat from the mufflers? I had my magna flows installed a year ago and they are starting to show rust sports when your looking from the rear and I would love to make them black to match the car....but not sure if this would hold up
I can't say for sure since I've never used it but I doubt it would stand up. How about a black paint like what they use for BBQs?
I know that there is heat resistant paint.


Will Plasti Dip® hold up to heat and racing?

Plasti Dip® can resist up to 200°F, and has been known to handle the heat and abuse produced at racing or rally car events. However, heat resistance really depends on how long Plasti Dip is exposed to that heat, and how you expect the coating to perform in that heat. In general, if the coating will not be subject to impacts, nor is it expected to resist abrasion or chemicals, and if it’s just for a short amount of time, most Plasti Dip surfaces would be able to handle temperatures outside the listed range. Always test first.

Most frequently asked questions about PlastiDip | Eastwood Blog

No. do not even open the plasti dip for this.

Nominal Exhaust Gas Temperature is around 1000 degrees, and the cats run even hotter. Mufflers run very hot due to their restriction. You want something in the ceramic range of heat resistance ( over 1500F) if you want it to last, not to mention the toxic fumes of anything of lesser quality burning off. You might even start a fire so I say hands off coating exhaust stuff unless you know how to do it.

Just my humble opinion.

do not use plasti-dip on any part of the exhaust. My brother tried this on his F250 with a magnaflow (against my suggestion of not to) and it burned off within a week and had a nice odor while doing so.

use a paint specifically made for high temp surfaces. Rustoleum has a high temp spray paint that has a matte black finish that would be for this application.

VHT header paint is tough stuff. You just need to ensure you have super clean and scuffed metal for it to adhere to.

just a thought try jet hot coatings I have a set of headers jet hot coated they have been on the truck with 460 ford for ten years .


Do you really think he is going to remove his year old muffs, and ship them to 'Jet Hot' laying his car up for the duration, plus if they have gotten rusty they would have to be stripped before being able to be coated. I do not know if they even do stripping, thought they just coated brand new parts. Had my LG Pros for my Vette shipped direct to 'JH' then to me. Bottom line, I don't think the OP wants to invest in the down time, or the cost to 'pretty up' his mufflers. I know his problem, I have it too. After I wash the mufflers( and the stupid ' Y' pipe, I put down a few coats of 'VHT' black... $14 for two rattle cans!

just a thought try jet hot coatings I have a set of headers jet hot coated they have been on the truck with 460 ford for ten years .


Do you really think he is going to remove his year old muffs, and ship them to 'Jet Hot' laying his car up for the duration, plus if they have gotten rusty they would have to be stripped before being able to be coated. I do not know if they even do stripping, thought they just coated brand new parts. Had my LG Pros for my Vette shipped direct to 'JH' then to me. Bottom line, I don't think the OP wants to invest in the down time, or the cost to 'pretty up' his mufflers. I know his problem, I have it too. After I wash the mufflers( and the stupid ' Y' pipe, I put down a few coats of 'VHT' black... $14 for two rattle cans!

The matte black tips looks great...although they are starting to peel after 2 years in spots..but yes the Magnaflows have those rust spots that just don't look good from the rear

The reason I did not buy a magnaflow system, though it was very very cheap. The 409 greade stainless steel will develop surface rust. I would paint it all with black high temp paint, if I was to install one. Plastidip is definitely not the way to go here.

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