Big leak! Is this the oil pressure sending unit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big leak! Is this the oil pressure sending unit?


Elite Ranger
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Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
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Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Sprang a leak today and lost all oil. Pretty sure leak is coming from the part shown near center of pic.
I’m guessing it’s the oil pressure sending unit? Angle of pic is looking up from below. It’s right by the drivers side front corner of the oil pan.

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So it would be this? Is that a rare failure? Or not that unusual? Does oil flow fully through it, or just in and out through
the same larger threaded section?

those appear to be correct replacements. Don't know if it's a common problem for it to fail that catastrophically, but
explorerforum site search has results of others leaking. you posted in 2019 noticing oil issue there so , assuming you never addressed it then it probably got worse since then and the part just finally completely failed.

don't put on extra thread tape, can prevent grounding.

I'd say it's not uncommon for them to leak when they fail. I've had this issue in the past. The oil passage for the sending unit is a dead end, it can get sludge buildup if you use conventional oil. The picture you posted is of the correct part.

you posted in 2019 noticing oil issue there so , assuming you never addressed it then it probably got worse since then and the part just finally completely failed.
Haha, it’s true I have no memory! But the 2019 thread I see about my oil leak was rear corner of the valve cover, and was on my other truck! Maybe I had another thread with a different leak, IDK.

Haha, it’s true I have no memory! But the 2019 thread I see about my oil leak was rear corner of the valve cover, and was on my other truck! Maybe I had another thread with a different leak, IDK.
You have a manual transmission in this Explorer? Just wondering if you did anything for the three rubber plugs if you do? I went to a junkyard near my job and it was kinda cool they had the 2wd tranys lying around. I guess people were wanting the motors a lot. I was keeping my eye out for a 4x4. I also have a oil leek that's better now but still concerning. My other oil sender by the starter is leekig. I might take a bunch of silicone and brake cleaner and try to smother it in some silicone.

I can't tell in the picture - is the oil coming from the oil sender, or the adapter threaded into the block that goes out to the adapter?

^^^ Idea: refill the motor oil, and restart the truck very briefly, and know for sure where it was coming from.

^^^ Idea: refill the motor oil, and restart the truck very briefly, and know for sure where it was coming from.
I can't tell in the picture - is the oil coming from the oil sender, or the adapter threaded into the block that goes out to the adapter?
My first move was to add some oil and restart to see where the leak was and how bad it was. I took a quick phone video and looked at that, too much hot oil splashing to get my face close enough. ;)
It was the sender/switch. Bought a replacement for 12.99, swapped it in, filled with some oil and did the test again, no leaks! Filled the rest of the oil, rechecked again, drove it home, everything good!
Easiest and cheapest repair I’ve had in a while. Done in the Home Depot parking lot!

Well done.

I just did this job about a month ago on my 94 with 172k miles on it. The leak wasn't bad but it nice eliminating one source of dripping oil..
