01-05 Sport Trac 4x4 Lift Options Discussion | Page 35 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01-05 Sport Trac 4x4 Lift Options Discussion

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Yea, don't use unevenly worn tires on your rig (especially if you just replaced frontend parts) it'll wear out those parts that much faster.

Hi everyone! Not sure but I am kinda new here and wasn't considering lifting my trac until I saw how easy the TT+Shackles were to do! Now the TT is pretty straight forward with the bolts to tighten!

However I am looking around for a set of shackles to get me 1.5-2 inches of lift. I know we have the similar parts as a explorer sport, so could I just use that lift shackles for my trac? I would assume so!
Here's a link to what I am thinking of!

Do I also have to do a add a leaf for this?
Thanks! :D

I'd suggest doing the add a leaf over the shackles. That's what I did. It's a little more time consuming than the shackles, but it's cheaper and as Lono said, it's better for the long term health of your springs. I got an 1.5" out of mine.

I'd suggest doing the add a leaf over the shackles. That's what I did. It's a little more time consuming than the shackles, but it's cheaper and as Lono said, it's better for the long term health of your springs. I got an 1.5" out of mine.

Really? I'm sold on the shackles really. The add a leaf looks like a pain to install

It really isn't that bad. Probably took me about 3 hours or so to do it. I'm very happy with the results. Whichever way you end up going, make sure you get some PB Blaster and spray down all the bolts the night before.

It really isn't that bad. Probably took me about 3 hours or so to do it. I'm very happy with the results. Whichever way you end up going, make sure you get some PB Blaster and spray down all the bolts the night before.

Thanks and I think I'll go with shackles! Ill probs do it in three weeks! I'll have it in my build thread! Thanks again!

Getting ready for boby lift.


Was getting ready for a lift and new tires, been following this site for awhile now, even though this is my 1st post.

I have a 2004 4x4 with 4:11 gear.

I have a 10 day vacation late oct, and started to order all the parts for it.

Im going with a PA body lift. add a leaf for rear, and tt to even out front. Also new Rancho rs5000. just hit 100k and new shocks are needed.

the thing Im not sure about if this wheel combo will work with minimal trimming. All the backspacing and offset stuff is confusing to me.

Would this set up work?

Helo HE878 - http://www.amazon.com/Helo-HE878-Wh...1947622&sr=8-1&keywords=helo+tires+16x9+5x4.5

http://www.amazon.com/Nitto-Grapple...&sr=8-3&keywords=315+75+16+dune+grapplerNitto Dune Grappler Tire LT315/75R16

Would I need 1.5 inch spacers for the rear?

With that setup, you'll be able to clear 35s with trimming that you really won't even tell that it's there. Offtrac ran that setup and I ran the same setup, but with shackles in the rear instead of the AAL. There's a thread in our ST section about clearing 35s with pictures for trimming. I think it's called fitting 35" km2s and it was started by offtrac. Very good pictures for what you need to trim.

As far as the wheel it looks like it will fit. It has a -12mm offset but I can't find the backspace spec. I also can't remember what the stock bore size is but it should fit with 72.6mm.

Found the stock specs courtesy of Steve:

Stock Rim Specs
5 x 114.3mm (4.5") Lug Pattern
12mm Offset
70.6mm Hub Bore
44mm Backspacing

Stock Tire Specs
2001 (Job 1) 235/75-15
2001-05 (Job 2) 3:73 = 235/70-16 or 4:10 = 255/70-16

I replied to your pm.

Hey guys, does anyone know if theres a how-to pr tutorial on the pa body lift?
the only tutorial I found was one for an explorer.
I think im just gonna bite the bullet and put it on with the bushings by myself since I just moved to a new area, dont have any helpers here. So is there a tutorial or are the instructions that come with the lift prettty accurate? Thanks

Where are you from? The instructions are fairly good, the pictures suck in black and white. There's a lot of us here that have done the bodylift. When you do the lift let us know if you have any questions. I'm always on here and check emails regularly since I'm off work due to serious work injury.

Thanks yeah I have a neighbor I can talk into helping with the bed, how many jacks did you need to complete it? Any specialty tools required? I have all the basic tools but nothing garage worthy at the moment. I read on the bushing sticky that the front end was complicated with the lift is that true?

Just 1 jack was needed

You will need a t55 torx to get bed off, I live in the north east and the back 2 bed bolts actually broke off on me, but that was before I started to heat the mounts..

I would really suggest heating all mounts before removing the bolts , they all came out so easy after the heat.

Also the only thing I kind of messed up on, was with the radiator shroud, the instructions didn't show it, but there is 2 notches on the bottom of shroud, make sure they are released before you start jacking up the sides.

good luck and have fun, It took me about 4 days, but glad I did it.

I read on the bushing sticky that the front end was complicated with the lift is that true?

Not complicated, just different from the others. When I did the bushings I just decided it wasn't necessary to Eben bother since those bushings were still good.

Don't forget the AC house needs fastened away from the pulley.

Sent from my Galaxy S5 using Forum Runner

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Ah I see. I figured might as well do all of them at the same time as the BL but we will see I guess. Im having trouble with getting the bed off at the moment, one of the bolts seems to be just spinning and not going anywhere. Also the harnesses are proving to be a pain. The 12v outlet in the bed doesn't really seem like it separates from the door that bolts to the bed? Do I remove the clip and pull it off?
