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01 ex sohc wont start


September 1, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
pekin Il
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 explorer sport
I recently bought to 01 sports for dirt cheap. I hot one of them running but havent gotten the one started yet. Just looking for advise before i get in too deep. It cranks but wont start. Has plenty of fuel pressure, i replaced the coil pack and new battery. Is it possible to slip time and still rotate the motor without obvious noise? Or is it as simple as a sensor? Was wanting to flip one and keep one so i need to fix it cheaply to break even and have a daily driver out of it

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I have checked fuses also. When cranking the tach does not move. Does that mean it is the crank positioning sensor?

I have replaced the coil pack and crank positioning sensor. Still not trying to fire with or without starting fluid. Any ideas on what next besides timing jumped? I thought with an interference motor there would be noise or motor not spinning if timing jumped and there would be enough fuel in cylinders that it would pop or misfire.

Could there be an issue with the PATS I wonder..

It has 2 keys and no difference with them. I tried both

Unplug/cleanup the computer connector?

Check for broken wires? My 97 had a few wires cracked and broken in that whole mess of wires behind the power distribution box.


Ok. I will try that tmrw. Hopefully that'll solve it and its not a timing problem

Do these have a cam sensor that could cause it? Or can the security do it? With both keys doing the same thing, that eliminates them but how do i check the rest of it?

Wild guess input .....my x does this from time to time all I do is wiggle the fuel pump relay until it kicks on does the fuel pump come on when you turn the key it makes a 2 second whine noise

Yes. I have fuel pressure at the motor too. It wont fire with starting fluid either. Makes me think its spark related

Well so much for that one. I had my friend crank it over while i was listening and it popped real loud and now I have oil everywhere. I'm guessing it was the head gasket and the timing had slipped on it. I don't know if that caused the motor to blow or if I can rebuild it only time will tell when I pull it out and do some investigating

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