01 Ranger 4.0l needing 02 parts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 Ranger 4.0l needing 02 parts


New Member
October 24, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Oakfield, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ranger Edge
I was wondering how common this is. I have a 01 ranger 4.0l E engine that just about every other time I need parts for I end up using 02 parts, since the 01 parts are wrong. Does anyone else have this problem?

For example, I needed a new coolant temp sensor which to get to you need to take off the intake plenum. I get the new gaskets and sensor and get it ripped apart and the gasket and sensor are wrong. So talking to napa they say that the parts are correct. I take in the old ones to cross reference and they are for an 02 ranger. I also looked online and found a cross reference for the correct parts being for an 02.

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...this is fairly common...
i have an 89' f250 which was special ordered from the factory...the replacement parts have been identified up to a 91 ford...most of the parts were heavy duty before they made the h.d.'s...the worst part is, i had to send most of the parts to my buddy who works for the supplier to the dealerships just to do visual matching as the parts #s couldn't even be referrenced, now they are all indentifiable...:eek:

I was wondering how common this is. I have a 01 ranger 4.0l E engine that just about every other time I need parts for I end up using 02 parts, since the 01 parts are wrong. Does anyone else have this problem?
It is not uncommon to find incorrect parts listings at auto parts stores. They have a greater variety of vehicles to deal with and a lot less information.

2001 and 2002 Rangers are almost identical except for the 4-cylinder models. Early 2001 were 2.5L like 98~2000 but later in the 2001 model year, 4-cylinder production shifted to the 2.3L whch continued to be used in 2002 and beyond.

In almost all cases, your 4.0L parts should come up the same 2001 to 2002.

If you have them looked up at a Ford dealer, chances are a lot higher that you will get the right parts. Any parts in question due to midyear change can be verified by the truck's VIN.

Yeah I finally called the dealer to look up part numbers and see if they have them. But they hard to special order them, so I just got part numbers to reference like other said.
It is just annoying to have it ripped apart and sitting while I try to find the right parts. Unless the parts stores are all messed up everyone wants to give me the same parts for my truck until I bring in the old one to see the differences and even then they give me the wrong parts.
It just sucks to do this since I have to take work off then take my wife's truck to get parts that the stores have to special order and the local ford dealer owner screwed up (Batavia, NY) and ford took his ford certification or whatever away so now he is just a used car dealer. Which now the nearest dealer is at least 45 minutes away. I guess I got spoiled when I lived in Michigan near Detroit and was within 5 dealers less than 30 minutes away. Also the whole time I'm doing this my wife is on my back about how much longer do we keep the truck since it has 130,000 and we just put 750 into the front end and 750 for a new slave and clutch. Sorry just venting a little.
Maybe like both tbars4 and rwenzing said I'll call the dealer and get part numbers first, then go to the crappy part stores around here.

...this might help you search in advance...;)...http://autozone.com
...and if you ever need parts try kbabiak at the bottom of the forums page, he is in pa. and if he don't have them he may steer you in the right direction...:D
