02 brake bleeding problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 brake bleeding problem


New Member
February 10, 2007
Reaction score

Hopefully this belongs in this forum, it's partially under the hood :)

I'm trying to bleed (well, flush really) the brakes on a 2002 Mountaineer. I've bled brakes plenty of times, but I'm figuring there is some ABS thing here that has me confused. I start at the right rear. I hook up the mightyvac, draw a vacuum, crack the plug, and I get a little squirt of fluid, certainly no flow.

I try it at one of the front wheels, same deal. I enlisted the help of a friend to try it the pump and hold way, I get a little bit more fluid, but still, just a squirt. It will take me years at this rate to get all of the dirty fluid out :)

The Ford manual doesn't seem to say or imply anything special other than the old fashioned bleeding method is needed, which really shocked me.

Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated!


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Did you remove the brake fluid reservoir cap? If not, it will limit how much fluid you can pull out.

ok..scratch that though then :cool:.

Got me..I've bled many ABS systems before and never had a problem with fluid flow. I recently did my '94, and did a complete fluid swap in about 30 minutes (purged all 4 lines).

Just manual bleed them. Get someone in the driver seat and just push thepedal down, get the fluidout and close it off and get them to pump it back up and redo!

