13th Annual Bond Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree (Pictures @ post 112) | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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13th Annual Bond Auto Parts 4-Wheel Jamboree (Pictures @ post 112)

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I would like everyone to meet at The Lang Farm Shoping Center Saturday Morning at 9:00am. Pack a Lunch. I want to wheel till about 4pm or until everyone is tired.

Here is a map on how to get there. The map is from The Hotel on Shelburne Rd that everyone is staying at.


Just look for the mcdonalds. The shoping center is to the left of it. It has the Grocery Store HannaFords. I wanna meet in that Parking lot.

I updated the map and gave a faster more direct route to the shopping center.

Current List Of People Going:


I have not seen any further posts from the following if they are still going:


Whether I'm going or not is still up in the air. If I do come I'm staying at my uncles sat night in Shelburne.

My hesitation is regarding my sisters return from China (haven't seen her since last august) which is scheduled for late friday night Aug 3rd. She's then leaving to start her senior year at Notre Dame the following Thurs (9th) so I only have a limited time in which to see her. There is a possibility of her getting on a flight this weekend, in which case she'd be home for longer and I'd head to VT for the 4th/5th.

Either way I'll know by this coming fri night. Sorry for the late notice and for making this an official "car-forum get together" where everyone starts dropping out at the last minute.

Sandy would you like to meet up @ my house on the 3rd & we can convoy on up to VT incase either one of us runs into vehicle issues while driving?
Also people I will have my camera w/me so if anyone forgets their's I can take pix. ;)
So it seems like it's gonna be a good turn out. My friend Dan (w/the Samari) is still considering meeting us up there....

I'll be there Sunday. Saturday is questionable...can't go wheeling in a Subaru.:(

I'll be there Sunday. Saturday is questionable...can't go wheeling in a Subaru.:(

Obviously you have never taken it. Subaru's are awesome wheelin!! Did it once w/my 1997 Impreza Outback Sport Wagon. My daughter's father on the other hand did it all the time (most w/out telling me till the story slipped out)
It can go on stock trails but I wouldn't risk it on anything else:D

Just a reminder that everyone should inspect their vehicle before heading up.. Standard things like oil, transmission fluid, Power Steering fluid, belts, hoses, brakes, etc. Make sure you check the air pressure in all 5 tires. Many people overlook the spare tire, over time it can leak air and be almost flat (Not so good when you're in the middle of no where). Jim and I carry portable air compressors so air isn't a major issue just a preventative measure. Also check your 4x4 to ensure its working, finding out on the trail head its busted is not the time...

Here is a list of recommended equipment for participating in a group trail ride. I am not advocating this equipment is necessary, rather I want you to think about various common sense things you should plan for.

  • CB Radio
  • Front and Rear Tow Points
  • Fire Extinguisher (ABC rating)
  • Flash light
  • Gloves
  • Boots
  • Tools
  • Spare fluids (Oil, Transmission, Coolant)
  • Spare Key
  • First Aide Kit
  • Bug spray
  • Water/dry food
  • Medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen etc).
  • Paper towels / hand wipes / Rags
  • Trash bags
  • Toilet paper (you never know ;) )

Jim and I have CB radios. Unlike Cell phones they allow instant communication on a single channel so all members can know whats going on. Additionally CB radios work just fine in areas of weak/no cell coverage. If you don't have a CB then look into using/borrowing hand held walkabout walkie talkies.

Fire Extinguisher: Its good common sense to carry one. Especially if you're in the middle of the woods a fire truck isn't going to reach you in a timely manner (if at all). Even though Jim and I have them they may not be enough, so if you could bring/borrow one please do so...

Tow points: Trying to attach a tow strap or cable to a vehicle without a tow point is a pita (especially in mud) and can cause damage to the tow strap, cable, or your vehicle. I don't expect anyone to really get stuck, but If they do I will have a full compliment of winches, tow straps, chain, highlift etc. to extract any vehicle.

Spare key: Locking your keys in your truck at the hotel or woods isn't fun. Having a space key on your person (not in your truck) will help prevent an otherwise expensive mistake.

Flashlight: Even in daylight a flashlight is needed when having to work on your rig.

Sandy would you like to meet up @ my house on the 3rd & we can convoy on up to VT incase either one of us runs into vehicle issues while driving?
Also people I will have my camera w/me so if anyone forgets their's I can take pix. ;)
So it seems like it's gonna be a good turn out. My friend Dan (w/the Samari) is still considering meeting us up there....

Depends on what time you are leaving in the morning. I'm stopping to visit a few places in Vermont along the way so I plan to be on the road no later than 10AM.

I'll be bringing a camera too

Depends on what time you are leaving in the morning. I'm stopping to visit a few places in Vermont along the way so I plan to be on the road no later than 10AM.

I'll be bringing a camera too

I definatly wanted to leave before noon so I didn't hafta drive like an ass. Plus seeing as how I have a lil one riding I hafta stop like every hour or so for potty breaks & stretching her legs & numb butt.

Up to you as it was a suggestion. If we don't ride up together, I need your cell# or the room# for when I get up there.

I posted a map about where we are all meeting Saturday Morning... Is this good? Or should we meet earlier in the morning. I wanna hit the trails asap. The 1st trail has lots of tree branches and rocks. Some spots will be hard for a stock explorer. The 2nd trail is stock friendly.

I posted a map about where we are all meeting Saturday Morning... Is this good? Or should we meet earlier in the morning. I wanna hit the trails asap. The 1st trail has lots of tree branches and rocks. Some spots will be hard for a stock explorer. The 2nd trail is stock friendly.

9am sounds like a good time to meet. I'm sure we could discuss it in more detail on Friday for those that will be up there on that day

I posted a map about where we are all meeting Saturday Morning... Is this good? Or should we meet earlier in the morning. I wanna hit the trails asap. The 1st trail has lots of tree branches and rocks. Some spots will be hard for a stock explorer. The 2nd trail is stock friendly.

9am sounds like a good time to meet. I'm sure we could discuss it in more detail on Friday for those that will be up there on that day

We can always meet earlier 8am and have breakfast as a group... pancakes and wheeling go together..

since we dont have a huge amoutn of members attending. I am going to include our VP, John in the prize give away. Here is a picture of the items I will be giving away.

2 No Boundries Camping Chairs

Set of Rear Tail Light Covers 95-97

3 Extra Vent Shades (in the brown box)

Set of NEX Decals.

Extra Center Black Console 95 - 01



If we are gonna do breakfast, I wanna get this hashed out realy fast. I say Friendlys in South Burlington like we did one year. then we go wheeling.

If we are gonna do breakfast, I wanna get this hashed out realy fast. I say Friendlys in South Burlington like we did one year. then we go wheeling.

Doesn't matter to me. I've never been to VT before remember?? Hope noone gets ill w/a full tummy & lots of rockin around while wheelin!!:eek:

What about Lincoln's or wherever it was that you, Dan, and I ate? No one needs to drive all that way to skip a VT breakfast for a Friendly's!! :p:

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hey guys, i was wondering about the mud bog at the jamboree, it says there is a fun run on saturday , does that mean we can go and just play around or is that for the stock trucks and we have the class races on sunday?
