180 Thermostat... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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180 Thermostat...


New Member
November 19, 2002
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City, State
Osterville, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
Hey I was wondering if anybody knew what thermostat was used in the 98' SOHC motors??? I was thinking about purchasing a 180, but wanted to get some feedback first.

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If it helps I have a 180* thermostat on my 4.6L mustang and it works well. Good thing to get if you have a custom chip. But for the most part it doesn't do that much. I also found out that it takes the car longer to warm up in the winter. When you live in Boston that part kinda sucks. I have a jet chip and a Borla on my Mustang so it does help a bit.

Use a stock tstat, 192 or 195.

hey, my t stat is bad and once i get it back from the body shop, i need to replace mine. which is the stock rating for the 4.0 ohv? 192 or 195? also is it pretty easy to do?

either way nnnick, it doesnt matter. i think FoMoCo's are rated at 192, and most aftermarket ones are 195's. its the same thing. most people dont realize this, but even a good stat has a +-5 degree opening. just get a good aftermarket 195, and make sure the air hole is at the top.
