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1993 Vacume Diagram???


New Member
May 5, 2003
City, State
Montgomery, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 & 1998
I have a 1993XLT and I have been having problems with a rough idle and stalling while stopped. I cleaned and then replaced the IAC. I also cleaned the MAF. After banging my head against the wall I went back to look for the source of the hissing one last time. I found where a hose or cap has come off of one of the vacume spots. I have searched all over and I see no sign of a hose that does not have a home. Any suggestions as to where I can finad a picture or diagram so I will know what needs be be hooked to the open vacume spot? Thanks for your help.

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Hmm, I got the same truck, where`s the port that`s leaking, maybe I can just look under my hood for ya?

hang on, I got a underhood pic here somewhere..

Is it on this side?


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There is a "vacume station" connected to the back of the intake manifold on the drivers side. From memory, I believe there are about 4 to five hoses connected to diiferent ports. The one that is missing is the one closest to the passenger side in the back. If you are able to find it let me know what is hooked to it.

Thanks for your help.

Right behind the AIC valve is the "vacume station" that I am refering to. The one that is missing would be the one on the passenger side that is not visible in this picture.


There`s alot of ports around where the arrow is so I was thinkin your problem might be there...


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    dual batt res reloc front2.jpg
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That is exactly where it is...again it is the portal that is closest to the passenger side in the back.

Okay, I have a total of seven ports on there. Four closer to the drivers side and 3 closer to the passenger, or intake manifold side.

(for example say my finger is poking out of the intake manifold port, the knuckle closest to my finger nail has four ports encircling it, That is the drivers side, and the knuckle closer to my hand has three ports encircling it, -manifold side. Technically the power brake hose is a little bit between the "knuckles" but I`m calling it closer to driver`s side)

ALL four of the driver`s side ports have hoses coming off them. One to my cruise control, one to my power brakes, and two that cross the back of the engine to the passenger side where they hook into other things around my A/C and stuff.

The three that are closest to the passenger side (intake) are capped with rubber plugs.

Sound to me like I should have four hoses and three rubber caps. I will go check and see and let you know. Thanks for looking.

I do have the four hoses...so I believe I am missing a rubber cap. I wonder where I am going to find that?

I`m betting you won`t!

Good luck, a parts store might have some caps or there is always electrical tape.

Welcome to the site!

Does your '93 have an automatic trans? Check the hose at the tranny end also if it does....

Hope this helps.


Quick tip I kept loosing a rubber cap at the vaccuum tree and in a pinch I used a valve stem cap to cover the tube until I got to a parts store to buy some caps.

Does your '93 have an automatic trans? Check the hose at the tranny end also if it does....

What would the symptoms be if that hose came off? might be good to know if he does actually have auto, I never asked..

Originally posted by ld50
What would the symptoms be if that hose came off? might be good to know if he does actually have auto, I never asked..

It would exhibit the same symptoms as pulling the hose off at the vacumn tree, with the added symptom of rough up-shifting from the transmission due to lack of vacumn to the vacumn diapghram.

Any open port on the tree will cause rough idling, stalls,etc., but if it's the tranny vacumn hose the 2nd symptom should also be evident. Remember, also, that the vacumn line to the transmission is made up of rubber only on the ends, with a steel tube running the majority of the distance from the back rear of the engine to the side of the transmission. 4 places it can pop off is the point i'm trying to make.

