mono leaf? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mono leaf?


Explorer Addict
November 7, 2002
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'97 Limited 5.0 AWD
ok, i'm new to suspension...and i hear this talk about sports having a mono-leaf. do all sports have the mono? when i look under the back, i see three bows, each getting smaller top to bottom. is this the multi? basically, i need to know if i have the mono-leaf or multi because i want to AAL. the rear end sags a little, but i have alot of crap back there. anybody have pics of mono-leaf vs multi?

by the way, this is on the '93 sport in case there was any confusion.

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No you don't have a mono-leaf. Only the '95-'00 Sports came with a mono-leaf.

ok. so, there is actually the mono leaf, the multi leaf, and the 4-door leaf pack? also, so you happen to have any pics of the mono or multi?

Here's a pic of 2 multileafs off of a gen 1...


  • first gen leafs.jpg
    first gen leafs.jpg
    57.7 KB · Views: 877

The multi leaf and the 4 door leaf pack are the same thing... multiple springs.

The 4 doors tend to have heavier sprung leafs (higher spring weight b/c of more weight) and thats why us sport guys swap out our crappy mono leaf.

No pics of the mono leaf, but just picture a normal leaf spring, but only 1 leaf there. Thats all it is. I have no idea why FoMoCo did this. Having just 1 spring carry all of the weight seems pretty dumb to me.

Oh well, mine will be off in a week :chug:

ok, so i can AAL on to mine. thanks for the answers!!

I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport and I was told I had a mono leaf. If so which AAL do I need to use and where can I get it at online etc etc. Thanks

Originally posted by ExplorerSport01
I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport and I was told I had a mono leaf. If so which AAL do I need to use and where can I get it at online etc etc. Thanks

I believe in 01 they went back to the multi leaf's in the Sports. My buddy has got an '01 Sport and he just got the normal Pro Comp AAL from Summit Racing for like $30. Hasn't put it on yet, but it should be good for 1" of lift.

Originally posted by ExplorerSport01
I have a 2001 Ford Explorer Sport and I was told I had a mono leaf. If so which AAL do I need to use and where can I get it at online etc etc. Thanks

you have a multileaf. unless you got an oddball.

What do I need to look for under the vehicle to see if it is a multi-leaf.

more than on leaf on each side.

OK while Im thinking of it do you or anyone know of any mods to make my 2001 Explorer Sport a dual exhaust. Im basically looking for that big offroad truck sound not the ghetto street racing sound. The performance really doesnt matter to me. If there was someway to keep the exhaust the same and change the sound and just put dual tips on the pipe that would be fine Im just looking for that off road big truck sound.

If you have a single leaf like this, you have a mono-leaf. If you have several leafs stacked on top of each other like pictured above then you have a multi-leaf rear suspension. As mentioned above, in 2001 Ford went back to the multi-leaf so yours shouldn't look like mine below.


  • 010226-01.jpg
    36.4 KB · Views: 3,818

There is no AAL for the mono.... you'll need to get a leaf pack from a bone yard or someone off this board and then add an extra leaf.

There is an AAL for the mono-leaf, it just has to be for a "tapered" leaf spring. The one I was looking at though was $175 shipped. For that price I could have just swapped out my mono-leaf for a 4-door leaf pack and had enough money left over to put in an AAL if I chose to later.

see? my bad. You're right. I have bought leaf packs for $75.00 and installed AAL for $40.00... beats $175.00.

AAAhhh! You stole my pic:D Its cool though, a little frightening to see it pop up! Try to get new Leaf packs, I got them off of a 1st gen and the driver side is now sagging pretty badly :(

I had a standard mono and went to the local shop and had them AAL. Mine worked out fine. I still have that setup with my SOA.

I have a 97' Sport with the mono spring. The back end is starting to sage, its bad even when towing something as small as my jet ski. What is the best way to fix this?

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the best way? replace it with a leaf pack. It would be perfect if you added an extra leaf... then you'll be able to tow a trailer without any sagging....
