Exhaust tip removal??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust tip removal???


Elite Explorer
August 25, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Mississauga, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4
Hi I have an 2002 Explorer XLT and I want to replace my stock tailpipe with an aftermarket one. I tried the Haynes manual but It doesn't really help much. I got a tip and clamp but no idea how to remove the stock tip. Help please!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not sure exactly how to take it off, but if you take it to a muffler shop they can usually take it off and weld or bolt the new one on in less than 30min. Will cost fairly inexpensive, about $20-$30 dollars.

I broke mine off hill climbing right above the axle and had to put the tip back on, similar to what you have to do to yours so I imagine you may have a similar case- where the tailpipe goes above the axle hardware there is a flanger where it connects to the rest of the exhaust system. Very hard to get at and almost guarnateed it will be rusted together and very hard to break loose but its there. If you cant get to that then a hacksaw and alot of patience may do the trick. Just make sure you cut it at the right spot. Muffler shop works too, although not near as entertaining.

i just slid a new tip over my tailpipe and tightened the set screw


I broke mine off hill climbing right above the axle and had to put the tip back on, similar to what you have to do to yours so I imagine you may have a similar case- where the tailpipe goes above the axle hardware there is a flanger where it connects to the rest of the exhaust system. Very hard to get at and almost guarnateed it will be rusted together and very hard to break loose but its there. If you cant get to that then a hacksaw and alot of patience may do the trick. Just make sure you cut it at the right spot. Muffler shop works too, although not near as entertaining.

Hey, yeah I think I know what you are talking about however there is like barely any rust underneath its all black so hopefully that means it will come off :D If not I will invest in a hacksaw(I have lots of patience I did my own window tinting and took me quite some time but it looks great!) Muffler shop is a no I love doing my own work since It's what I'm good at.

i just slid a new tip over my tailpipe and tightened the set screw


Hey, oh wow your truck looks great! Much respect! Anyway I don't know if it will work like yours did since mine is 16 inches long. Btw does it give you that nice deep rumble? That's what I want since it is a v8 which sounds so nice compare to does 4 banger ricers XD Hey did you lift your truck or is that stock?

A nice exhaust tip is the Flowmaster 15380. DIY in minutes, it's subtle but looks great.

Btw does it give you that nice deep rumble? That's what I want since it is a v8...

The tip will have no appreciable impact on the sound of the exhaust. Either swap the muffler, or better yet get a cat-back exhaust (I prefer Magnaflow) to get the sound you are looking for.
