1995 Aerostar. Suspension thrust bushing on the rear axle. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 Aerostar. Suspension thrust bushing on the rear axle.


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February 24, 2015
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1995 Aerostar
Hi everyone, new to the forum here. I recently bought a 1995 Aerostar AWD. Its in great condition, with only 100,000 on the 4.0 V6. I've been replacing parts on it that needed attention. And then I came this bushing the sets on top of the rear axle next to the housing/differential.

Apparently the bushing, is obsolete. I think its called the "suspension thrust bushing"? Does ANYONE please have a source for an aftermarket bushing. Or one from another vehicle that works. Or does anyone know of a place that makes custom bushings? I can't believe Ford would make this bushing obsolete? I haven't been able to locate one of these. Thank you in advance for any help or tips you can give me in getting this fixed!

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Welcome to this forum! What is your axle code number? The tag with the axle code is near the driver's door. Are you referring to the rubber suspension bumpers near the axle? If so, then Motormite sells them. A lot of auto parts stores have them.

Hi and thanks for your response. No this is an actual bushing. The housing its pressed into is cast on top of the rear axle. Just to the left of the pumpkin/housing/differential. My local ford dealer as well as many other resources says the bushing is obsolete. But I can't accept that there isn't SOMETHING else that will work.

I'm trying to figure out how to post a pic of it.... Ok here it is. Its the one just to the left of the differential.


  • Rear_Axle_B4_02c.jpg
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I'd look at 1993-1998 grand cherokee bushings. Get a poly one cut and press the sleeve from the 8.8 bushing in.

It is very common for the dealer to have 'obsolete' parts. Some models go obsolete after just 4 or 5 years. The bushing is for the control arm that bolts to the top of the axle. Rockauto has them. Go to suspension and look at rear control arm bushings. There is an upper and lower just like a front control arm.

They can be very difficult to change with basic tools. You may be able to do it with a ball joint press, but a big hammer will probably work best if you only have basic tools. Make sure you install the new bushing the same depth in its bore as the old one. This will make reassembly, of the axle into the vehicle a little easier. Also if that bushing is bad, most likely the bushings on the other end of the control arm are probably going or in the same shape as well. I would plan on replacing them all.

Hopefully this helps

ford aerostar suspension thrust bushing

hello Vanman
how did you make out with bushing? I have same problem

Funsun98, I made out ok. I got lucky! Upon taking out the threaded bolt from the top of axle housing end of the arm. I found that the threads on the bolt were significantly worn away. Causing play that I thought was the bushing itself. I took the bolt to Fastenal. They matched it up with a higher grade "shoulder" bolt. Eliminating all the useless threads that slide through the middle of the bushing so it won't happen again in its lifetime. Have you pulled the bolt yet? Maybe you'll get lucky like I did. Let me know what you find!
