1997 SAS by CRL Customs and JoshC | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 SAS by CRL Customs and JoshC

Here is the build up of my Explorer for a SFA.

The axle I used is a Dana 30 off of a Jeep.


I bought the axle in December, so I had plenty of time work on it. I had it regeared to 4.56's. I also installed a Dead Link Removed. I've already got a Dead Link Removed in the 8.8.


I put these diff guards on the front and rear too.


Cory uses some pretty tough stuff. All of the links on the front axle use Hiem joints for the connections.


The links are all customs made by Cory. All of his tubing used on the axle is 1 1/2" OD, 1/8" wall (I think).



The coil buckets we used came from a race car magazine. They are adjustable for ride height.



After 3 months of having the truck, he finally gets to test his work.




While Cory had the truck, I also had him build a proto type bumper that he designed, hoping people would like it so he could start to sell these too.


The truck turned out well. It is HUGE! I love it. When I got it back I got up the next morning and started to work on it. I had to replace all the brake lines up front, removed the ABS unit from under the hood, and bought a new PS caliper for the front.

I finally got everything put back together and painted. Here are pics of the bumper after i added two pieces of 3/8" diamond plate.



After I got it all done, it was my turn to try it out a little bit. I didn't want to flex it to hard because i don't have my limiting straps on yet.




Here is the link to the whole build up process: Dead Link Removed

My tire choice was 35" Dead Link Removed

Please let me know what you think, good or bad! I'll answer an question that I can. If you want some pricing on the work, email Cory at CoryL@crlcustoms.com

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if only i could have that explorer... very nice josh

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if you dont mind, about how much did that cost you?

Thank you very much sir.

I've got probably between 4500-5000 in everything needed from tires to gears to parts and then the labor charged by Cory.

Dang Josh wish I could get out that cheap. I love your X. And that thing can perform well. Look foward to riding again with you.

appx91 said:
Dang Josh wish I could get out that cheap. I love your X. And that thing can perform well. Look foward to riding again with you.

it can be done for cheaper then that too. you just have to shop around alot. im abotu 90% complete finding parts and im only at 1800. so it can be done. but im getting my welding done for free.

Yea. My whole SAS with a Dana 60 and Dana 44 front is cost me around 7k with wheels and tires. That is including: axles, chromolly shafts front and rear, longfield joints, leafs for the front, 4 shackes, shock f&r, steering, rear disc brakes, perches, clear gearz diff. cover, drive shafts f&r, hi-steer, spool in rear, labor and other stuff but thats most of it.

yea my project total is around 3000. i got a deal on some brand new 36" tsl's from a friend so i only payed 500 for them. thats like the only reason im going to be under the 3000 mark

Yea its exspensive but worth it. I just really like how clean Josh's is. For people who haven't seen it, it is remarkable. I really love and hope I can make mine look as clean when finished.

Josh, What coils are those? I just )And I mean just as in like 4 hours ago.) got my sas done and its on super lift 5.5 coils. They are stiffer than I want. perhaps we can work some kind of trade? they now have something around 120 miles on them because I drove the tuck home.

TheRookie said:
Josh, What coils are those? I just )And I mean just as in like 4 hours ago.) got my sas done and its on super lift 5.5 coils. They are stiffer than I want. perhaps we can work some kind of trade? they now have something around 120 miles on them because I drove the tuck home.

where are the pics?

There are m ore in my thread in the solid axle registry

And many more to follow


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The coils are for a cherokee. They are soft, really soft which makes it nice wheelin on rocks. They've been cut to make it fit right for the lift, so i don't know if you could even use them. All he did was just come down a coil or two and cut it, so the top of the coil is just as wide as the whole thing, know what i mean?

You wouldn't happen to know what racing magazine he got those coil buckets out of do you?

Also how is the d30 holding up to 35s?

No I don't have a clue what magazine it was. But dude trust me you don't want them. I'm working on an idea to make my own anyways, so i can get rid of these!

D30 is holding up really well. I don't get on it really hard, just because i have never wheeled like that. I did bust one u joint a couple years ago, but i've been to tellico twice and to a park in KY and i've never had a problem with the toughnes. I've broke about everything else though, lol.

whats wrong with F-250 buckets from a D44 equipped truck?

TheRookie said:
There are m ore in my thread in the solid axle registry

And many more to follow

you need to rethink your steering

410Fortune said:
whats wrong with F-250 buckets from a D44 equipped truck?

was this meant for me? If so then nothing, at the time Cory had these it looked like a good idea until the paint rubbed off, lol.

I'll end up with the buckets you mentioned or make my own.

you need to rethink your steering
Whats wrong with my steering? I am open to ideas but dont see any problems. Truck drives better than stock.

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TheRookie said:
Whats wrong with my steering? I am open to ideas but dont see any problems. Truck drives better than stock.

the y style steering is going to cause problems when the suspension cycles. you should switch to a deicated tie rod with a shorter draglink that hooks in to the tierod instead of the tierod into draglink or move to a high steer/ cross over steering setup.
