20'' OEM Wheels - Advice Needed! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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20'' OEM Wheels - Advice Needed!


July 5, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limitied
I currently drive a 2011 Explorer Limited with the 20'' alloy wheels. I don't think these are the polished wheels...they're the lower-end of the 2 20'' OEM options, whatever that is. When I purchased the Explorer, these wheels just happen to be the one's it came with. I actually prefer tires that aren't low-profile. So I want to put something on Craigslist to see if someone in the area would like to work up a deal on trading me these 20'' wheels/tires for the 18'' OEM wheels/tires.

Before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations on the trade value for these options. I'm not trying to make money off this, I really just want the "normal" wheels and tire size. My tires have 46k miles on them and they are in good shape (as well as the wheels).

Assuming similar mileage on the 18'' wheels/tires, would an even swap be a decent trade if "they" are willing to pay to have the tires swapped? Or should I ask for an additional $100 so I don't rip myself off? Again, my goal is to get the wheels I want and not to make money...I just want it to be a fair deal for both parties.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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I put some stock 2011 Ford Edge wheels (alloy ones) on Craigslist. I was, like you, wanting to get rid of them.

I ended up getting 400.00 for the set of Rims only.

Might be a little low, but I was happy.

I currently drive a 2011 Explorer Limited with the 20'' alloy wheels. I don't think these are the polished wheels...they're the lower-end of the 2 20'' OEM options, whatever that is. When I purchased the Explorer, these wheels just happen to be the one's it came with. I actually prefer tires that aren't low-profile. So I want to put something on Craigslist to see if someone in the area would like to work up a deal on trading me these 20'' wheels/tires for the 18'' OEM wheels/tires.

Before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations on the trade value for these options. I'm not trying to make money off this, I really just want the "normal" wheels and tire size. My tires have 46k miles on them and they are in good shape (as well as the wheels).

Assuming similar mileage on the 18'' wheels/tires, would an even swap be a decent trade if "they" are willing to pay to have the tires swapped? Or should I ask for an additional $100 so I don't rip myself off? Again, my goal is to get the wheels I want and not to make money...I just want it to be a fair deal for both parties.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
For your information, I run the Base model 17" steel wheels on my 2011 Limited for Winter driving along with 245/65R17 Winter tires.
I also wished that the 17" or 18" wheels were available as options for the Limited instead of the standard 20".

Also, just a reminder to all members that anyone wanting to sell/trade items on this Forum must have an Elite membership


For your information, I run the Base model 17" steel wheels on my 2011 Limited for Winter driving along with 245/65R17 Winter tires.
I also wished that the 17" or 18" wheels were available as options for the Limited instead of the standard 20".

Also, just a reminder to all members that anyone wanting to sell/trade items on this Forum must have an Elite membership


Thanks Peter. For your winter setup, do the 17'' wheels look awkward at all or does it still look balanced? I'm worried about getting the narrower wheels and making it look like a roller skate.

Regarding the Elite membership & selling/trading.... I swear I'm just looking for advice and not soliciting any offers for a swap. After re-reading my post, it does appear as though I'm trying beat the system. I apologize if I gave anyone that perception.

Thanks again for the input

Thanks Peter. For your winter setup, do the 17'' wheels look awkward at all or does it still look balanced? I'm worried about getting the narrower wheels and making it look like a roller skate.

Regarding the Elite membership & selling/trading.... I swear I'm just looking for advice and not soliciting any offers for a swap. After re-reading my post, it does appear as though I'm trying beat the system. I apologize if I gave anyone that perception.

Thanks again for the input
No problem. I just thought it was a good time to put in a reminder for everyone.
I don't think the 17's look out of place. The Base model comes equipped with them as the OEM size. I don't have a head-on view photo but I do have one from the side.
For Winter driving, a narrower tire is actually better anyways. The overall diameter is 1.66% smaller than the 20" OEM. This would translate into about a 1 mph difference at 60.



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No problem. I just thought it was a good time to put in a reminder for everyone.
I don't think the 17's look out of place. The Base model comes equipped with them as the OEM size. I don't have a head-on view photo but I do have one from the side.
For Winter driving, a narrower tire is actually better anyways. The overall diameter is 1.66% smaller than the 20" OEM. This would translate into about a 1 mph difference at 60.


Those don't look awkward at all from what I can see...thanks for posting. I live in Georgia so winter tires aren't something I have to be too concerned with! I just don't want the 20'' wheels. I didn't see anyone on Craigslist looking for these but I may throw it out there anyway to see if I get any bites.

Thanks again for your help.

Have you considered the 18" Police wheel?

All black, big holes for brake heat dissipation, and extremely durable.


I suggest you look at the 18" wheels that came standard on the XLTs. Nice looking wheels.
