Moab 2016 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2016

I am planning on being there for Fri. and Sat. I'll be in the Bronco and hanging out with the stockers.

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I am looking at:

Moab Rim
Behind the Rocks
Prichett Canyon
Fins and things Night run.

I'm in for Behind the Rocks and Prichet. Anybody up for Rusty Nail?

We are staying at moab rim campground. We are planning on leaving sunday afternoon/early evening. I would like to do an easier/ shorter trail on Sunday where I can be back in town and loading on the trailer by 3 pm.

Hump Day Bump....

Suspense building. . .
Bandit Reveal.jpg

Not to mention checking out this Tow Rig:
Galaxie Tow Rig.jpg

I don't know Anthony that well, but still surprising to me that the Galaxie has not been waxed and buffed. . .

TBars ! ! Status ? ? ?

'91 Sport

Getting to work on the front axle


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With some new parts!


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Suspense building. . .
View attachment 89452

Not to mention checking out this Tow Rig:
View attachment 89453
I don't know Anthony that well, but still surprising to me that the Galaxie has not been waxed and buffed. . .

TBars ! ! Status ? ? ?

'91 Sport

I think I'm working in two States that weekend and the Good news is Utah is one of them..:)

I will be in Cedar City at a Rock Crawling event..:burnout:

Moab is waiting! Im here now at EJS. Ran porcupine rim yesterday. Loking forward to the EF run!


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I'm loving that old Ford pickup!

Brian -

Thanks for the photos - - been going through the old Moab threads to satisfy the urge to get back down there. . . Must be a zoo with EJS, but still must be better than work.

I think I'm working in two States that weekend and the Good news is Utah is one of them..:)

So, the fact that you're in state that weekend means we should expect to see you, at the least, doing a drive-by at Canyonlands. . .

'91 Sport

We will be ready to wheel moderate + trails on the morning of the 19th. We're arriving solo, and needing to hook up with a group.

Will some of you adopt us for a day at a time for diff trail levels, to maximize our chance to see everybody?

We will be ready to wheel moderate + trails on the morning of the 19th. We're arriving solo, and needing to hook up with a group.

Will some of you adopt us for a day at a time for diff trail levels, to maximize our chance to see everybody?

You're welcome with us and we're up for any trail stock to crazy!, (I think)

We will be ready to wheel moderate + trails on the morning of the 19th. We're arriving solo, and needing to hook up with a group.

Will some of you adopt us for a day at a time for diff trail levels, to maximize our chance to see everybody?

I'm going moderate myself.

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I'm going moderate myself.

If I could self-moderate, I wouldn't get in half the trouble I get into. . .

'91 Sport
