2000 V6 Explorer SOHC PCV Location | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 V6 Explorer SOHC PCV Location


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October 15, 2012
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2000 Explorer XLT, 4x4
I need to check / replace the PCV on my 2000 Explorer. My Hanes manual is no help (Poor Pictures). Looking at both sides of the valve covers, I cannot seem to locate it.

Does anyone have a picture they can post to describe its location. It would help me, and others I am sure!

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Pretty much at the back of the engine, square between the valve covers. Can't see it at all, but you could probably feel it if you've got smaller hands. Passenger's side is best to reach it. Don't know if you can get to it without disassembling anything. I took off my intake manifold (replaced gaskets also) to get to it.

like mp223 said, it's in the rear left-center of engine and best to get at it from the passenger side. the pcv valve sits is a rubber hose and has two smaller rubber hoses coming out of the top of it. i disconnected both of the small hoses (one goes to each side of the upper plenum) then, using a small screw driver, i opened the plastic clip that holds the valve in the larger hose. now for the fun part, you need to pull, twist, pry the valve from the hose without damaging it, or pulling it out the other end (scary but doable). MAKE SURE YOU REPLACE the pcv valve with a Motorcraft valve, don't cheap out with a parts store valve or you'll be doing this job again soon. also, you'll need to pull the plastic fitting from the top of your old valve and install it on the new one. have fun.

Don't forget to inspect the tubing for cracks, wear, etc. I replaced some of mine. There is also a plastic bracket type thing that holds the PCV, be careful handling it as mine was brittle and cracked as soon as I touched it.

Major pain in the butt for a stupid PCV valve relacement. Follow Koda's instructions..they are spot on.

Thank you for the reply's. I can see why there are no photo's! I will tackle it this weekend. Thank you for the Motorcraft vavle recommendation.


Thanks 2000 Street Rod, this is exactly what I am looking for! I appreciate you posting the thread. Very detailed!
