Wanted - 2001 Console lid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 2001 Console lid

Parts or services wanted


Explorer Addict
June 12, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Corner, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Attached is a pic of the console and what is missing, interior is blue. Just bought this truck and it hasn't been cleaned up, please excuse the filth. Please help-j


  • center console.JPG
    center console.JPG
    30.1 KB · Views: 922

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Blue??? Maybe gray???
The arm rest and the useless (to me) bag is gone. See my suggestion on replacement HERE. It's what I did to mine.

A used bag from eBay will bust your chops for $100 +/- !!

I am switching from that exact style console over to a long console myself. For the short console though I have, I got an arm rest from a early/mid 90's ranger console, stronger then the original. Fits the same, and is built better, it has held up fine for me. I would do what ncranchero says though, the earlier short consoles are better. No bag to deal with, and you have the open storage space in the earlier short console.

you could switch to a full length console, which has a better arm rest and glove box.

It should be a bolt in affair

It is a bolt in pretty much. You have to use a full length from a Sport or Sport Trac to retain the rear blower function due to the RCM placement. Maybe the console duct could be modded to get around it but that would seem like more trouble than it's worth.

Yeah that is correct. I am using a console from a Mountaineer in my sport, physically they fit, but you can't use the rear air without some modding. I just eliminated the rear air/radio controls though, if you don't want rear air, you can make a full length explorer/mountaineer console work. Probably easier just to use the earlier short console though, bolts in, no modding needed.

James, my 93 console may work for you. The pre-95's have a tall aluminum bracket in the back like the later model, but it mounts to studs in the floor as I told you.

I think the mounting to the rear bracket will be the same. Your rear bracket you can leave attached, and drop mine down onto it to mount with the same one rear screw. I'll take a couple of pictures later to show you. Regards,
