2005 Sport Trac won't start!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 Sport Trac won't start!!


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January 31, 2008
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2005 sportrac
When I try to crank the sport trac,all I get is clicking noises under the hood and my idiot lights flash,and it is not a battery problem........ignition switch?anti-theft(doesn't turn over)? relay?? loose connection???---4.0 V6

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What a wierd problem!!!2005 Sport Trac won't start

Now fellow vehicle mechanics,
I have got the strangest problem ever in my 52 years of existance....I'm still talking about the same starting problem.Not only do I hear clicking sounds by the fuse box and the throttle body intake,when I turn off the ignition and pull the key out I get clicking sounds from the dash and the speedo &tach needles are jumping.The interior light is slow to come on,and the dash board freaking out can go on for several seconds after I take the key out and exit and close the vehicle door.....STRANGE!!!.......OH one other thing I've noticed, the clicking noise by the fuse box is in sinc. with the dash THEFT light......PATS???.......help!!!:mad:

Sport trac Madness!!

Just asking, but how do you know its not a battery problem?

I cleaned and retightened the terminals.....which were ok.....and got a jump,and all the clicking was just stronger.....thanks

Well, the clicking is typical of a drained battery.

Just yesterday I did this to myself, leaving my laptop on running off my truck battery. A couple of hours later when I went to start and leave, I got the clicking. Luckily the house I was at had a quick jump start box.

If your battery is drained, you have to figure out why. Maybe your alternator is not working properly.

clean tight terminal on the battery doesn't mean they are clean and tight on the other end of the wire.
Sounds like a bad connection.
- loose ground on engine
- loose power connection on solenoid
- loose power connection on fusebox
.....how long of a list do you want
