Last winter I noticed my 4wd wasn't working. I waited for warmer weather to fix it. I'm having problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Last winter I noticed my 4wd wasn't working. I waited for warmer weather to fix it. I'm having problems


Active Member
May 22, 2019
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Spokane Washington
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer xlt
Last winter I pushed the button to engage my 4wd and nothing happen. My vehicle has shift on the fly 4wd. It's a push button system. No locking hubs or anything like that. I was told last winter the 4x4 control module was bad and it was located in the rear area of the vehicle. I called NAPA today to find out how much it was going to cost me. They said no such part exist for my vehicle. I called other parts places and got the same answer.
Now I'm back where I started no idea what's wrong. My first thought was it's the actuator, but I've been told I don't have one. Any ideas?

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Last winter I pushed the button to engage my 4wd and nothing happen. My vehicle has shift on the fly 4wd. It's a push button system. No locking hubs or anything like that. I was told last winter the 4x4 control module was bad and it was located in the rear area of the vehicle. I called NAPA today to find out how much it was going to cost me. They said no such part exist for my vehicle. I called other parts places and got the same answer.
Now I'm back where I started no idea what's wrong. My first thought was it's the actuator, but I've been told I don't have one. Any ideas?
I would suggest you start with the 4x4 troubleshooting guide.


first off check the fuse for the esof (electronic shift on fly)

There is indeed a 4wd control module in a 91-94 explorer, it is located in the rear, drivers side I believe behind the cargo area plastics.
it has a white button on it and a red light for self test and diagnostics

Now with that said 99.5% of the problems you are going to have with a 91-94 esof system is going to be a faulty shift motor on the transfer case
You DO have a shift motor, it is what turns the t case from 2wd to 4hi to 4 low, it physically turns a knob

The older shift motors like yours can be taken apart on a bench, cleaned and rebuilt

You also have automatic locking front hubs, if they are still working
If you really rely on your 4wd in the winter you should consider removing these and installing manual locking hubs

Agreed on the manual hubs

How hard is it to replace the hubs. I consider myself a below average shade tree mechanic. If it's fairly straight forward I can handle it if it gets complicated I usually end up in the weeds. I should also ask about rebuilding the shift motor. Is there any pictures of the control module. I've found a few things in the cargo area on the driver's side, but none that fit the descriptions given.

There’s a how thread here somewhere on converting out the hubs. You would need a torque wrench and the special hub nut socket that’s maybe $20. If you’ve changed your rotors or bearings, it’s less work than that.
Have you looked at the linked troubleshooting thread yet? It will help you diagnose where the problem is.

I have looked at the troubleshooting guide. It left me with more questions than answers. like this for example.

If you listen carefully you should be able to hear the relays in the 4x4 module when you press the 4x4 button. If you cannot hear the relays recruit a friend to sit near the module and listen. If the relays make noise it indicates the 4x4 module has received input from the dash button and the problem lies in either the 4x4 computer or the shift motor.
If you cannot hear the 4x4 relays then you will need to verify the 4x4 module is working.

That's part of the guide, but it never says how to the 4x4 module is working or not. I've heard about a test light but I can't seem to find mine.

shoot you are in Spokane! I am in Sandpoint, if you want professional help hit me up

The 4x4 control module is located here:

To answer your question, the electronic shift control module is located in the rear drivers side of the cargo area in the same compartment where the jack is. There's a panel with two black clips on it, unlock those and pull the panel off, the ESCM is going to be the black box with 3 wiring harnesses going to it that's near the front of the opening.

To test it, remove the two harnesses at the rear of the module then push the white button on the bottom of it and watch the LED - 4 flashes and you're good. Anything else and it's bad.

but I'm telling you they are never the cause of the issue, it is 99.5% of the time the shift motor that wears out

VERY rarely is it the control module or dash buttons, like .5 of 100 trucks

I am in Spokane. I'm really poor though. i can't afford to hire help. If I have to replace the hubs, it'll take me a year to save up the money to buy the parts.
Is there a way to tell if the shift motor is bad or if it is the hubs. I think those were the two most likely suspects listed.

Pfffft I can help you very likely
We can get some hubs at the junk yard or from my stepson lol
I can do that conversion if walk you through it
If you give me the shift motor I will rebuild it and give it back

I am in Spokane all the time
I try to help people keep their trucks on the road
I’ll send you a pm

Pfffft I can help you very likely
We can get some hubs at the junk yard or from my stepson lol
I can do that conversion if walk you through it
If you give me the shift motor I will rebuild it and give it back

I am in Spokane all the time
I try to help people keep their trucks on the road
I’ll send you a pm
^^^in case you need more convinving, jamie is a great guy!!! super willin to help with whatever, and all around a super cool guy! :) sorry for hijack

I haven't heard back on if there is a test I can do to find out if it's the shift motor or the automatic hubs that is my problem. I don't want to fix one and find out after it's the other one that's broken.

if the light on the dash does not come on, it is not the hubs
The auto hubs yo have no way to tell if they are working or not without jacking up the front of the truck and spinning axle shafts

If you press the button and nothing happens with the t case
and you have checked all fuses
Chances are very very very very good you need the shift motor rebuilt.

auto hubs are supposed to lock once the axle shaft inside them starts to spin forward (to drive the wheel) then they lock. Typically when they get to be this old they do not work anymore and if they are still working, they will fail when you need them the most (like in the snow trying to climb a hill) so most of us just install the manual hubs. You can literally lock the hub in October and unlock it in April....just drive around all winter using the dash button to go in and out of 4x4

I didn't know you could drive around with your hubs locked for weeks and weeks. I thought you had to unlock them when you came out of 4whd or risk damage. Thanks for the info.
I push the button and nothing happens. I guess it's time to attempt to rebuild the shift motor.

I'm still not sure what I've been looking at on my rig is the 4x4 control module, so I'm posting a picture of it. I can't find any buttons or lights on it and all the plugs have at least 5 wires going into them and it is bolt on to the body. No clips like were described. In fact I can't get at the front bolt. What I think is the control module is the black thing in the top right of the picture frame.

thats it!!
See the white button on the bottom?

Im telling you right now in all of my years of wrenching on these truck (25+ NOW) I have never had an issue with one of these systems that was not a fuse or bad shift motor

What I am thinking is next time I am in Spokane I can swing by and remove your shift motor, take it home with me and then rebuild it. Next trip to spokane I can install and test....then we can come up with a plan for the hubs. This gives me time to locate a cheap set.
You can drive around without a shift motor no problem
It will only take me a few weeks to do
We can use the rebuild of your motor as a thread to show others in your position
No charge!
Whatchya think?

you can see what the controller looks like here:

Hello, I have a 1992 Eddie Bauer 4x4 that I'm fixing up. When I press the 4x4 button on the dash nothing happens and the light does not come on. I found the module shown above in the rear quarter panel in the back. However the little white button on the bottom doesn't move when I try pressing on it. like it's jammed or something. should this button always move? anyone had this problem before?

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Everyone was right. It's not the 4x4 control module. I final figured out how to test it with a lot of help and it passed. Is there anything on here that will tell me where the shift motor is or what it looks like?
