2006 Back Up Camera Addition | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 Back Up Camera Addition


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
So I picked a back up camera for the '06 to install today. $29.99 Fry's Special, but should work good. I'll be wiring it up to the Pioneer 3200BT that I installed last year.;)


Here is how I mounted it. Under the Licenses plate light I drilled a few hole in the plastic. I felt this was the best place, somewhat hidden and almost looks factory.:thumbsup: I'll be wiring it up next. One thing I learned is DO NOT wire it straight into the back up lights for a power source. I did this on my sister-in-laws Escape years ago, and it worked great for many years, but over time it put stress on the circuit, and took out her Power Distribution Box. Cost her $500 to get it replaced, and lost the camera too.:(


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Finished Product;)


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Very nice install!! I like it, do you have a link for that site where you bought the cam from? Also, what did you use as the power source? Does it need to be grounded, if so, where did you ground it?

I bought the camera from Fry's, however it has been giving me trouble the last few days, with no consistency. :( some days it's black, some green, some the image is frozen, or reversed, sometimes, the are the parking lines, sometimes not. It's really a POS camera. But At least all the lines are run, it's nothing to switch the camera out. :rolleyes:

I found a ignition hot lead in the compartment where the sub woofer is, also found a large ground there. This is where I drew the power from

...Nice job and sorry about the camera..:(

..Pepboy's has a cam and monitor on sale right now for $59.99..:dunno:

Very nice install!! I like it, do you have a link for that site where you bought the cam from? Also, what did you use as the power source? Does it need to be grounded, if so, where did you ground it?

I am selling a set of backup camera for $30, it has a plate mounting brackets and a 3.5 inch LCD. Here is my solution for the wiring: get 12V and ground from backup light, rear vehicle control box(same thing for your remote), then these two wires go up to the front with video signal wire, if you have a LCD radio, then go to your radio, else, I sell the LCD screen together with the camera(that's why it's 30 in total).

Camera look like this:

Besides, I sell backup sensor as well, $35 for a control unit, 4 sensors, one wireless display(but you still need to wire the 12V power)

So I picked a back up camera for the '06 to install today. $29.99 Fry's Special, but should work good. I'll be wiring it up to the Pioneer 3200BT that I installed last year.;)


Here is how I mounted it. Under the Licenses plate light I drilled a few hole in the plastic. I felt this was the best place, somewhat hidden and almost looks factory.:thumbsup: I'll be wiring it up next. One thing I learned is DO NOT wire it straight into the back up lights for a power source. I did this on my sister-in-laws Escape years ago, and it worked great for many years, but over time it put stress on the circuit, and took out her Power Distribution Box. Cost her $500 to get it replaced, and lost the camera too.:(

Hi, Great post, but how did you run the cables from inside the door? I am new to the forum and want to do this exact same set up, i don't know if to get a license plate camera or the one you have there, I would appreciate if you could explain how you did it, and also how to set it up to have it when I gear reverse the camera turns on i have a pioneer 3200BT DVD


Hi, Great post, but how did you run the cables from inside the door? I am new to the forum and want to do this exact same set up, i don't know if to get a license plate camera or the one you have there, I would appreciate if you could explain how you did it, and also how to set it up to have it when I gear reverse the camera turns on i have a pioneer 3200BT DVD


Just pull the panel off the back door. you'll see there is already wires running in the door, just follow them and use the same path with zip ties or just wrap it around it.

thanks for the pictures. I planning in the future installing a back up camera for my explorer. it gives me an idea where to put camera.

Hi Stic-o, I also have a 06 explorer, and I actually did install the power to the reverse light, My EX does not have a subwoofer, where should I get power from? after re-reading your post I would like to change from where I get power, but need to know what could I use,


I would just look for a hot lead somewhere back there. You could run a new line up from the battery.

Thanks! can I just take whatever line I find? Since I Installed the camera just how you did, I wouldn't want to cause a short with another line, If I run a line from the battery, would I just send it direct? sorry for my questions but I am not very familiar with electrical installations

