2014 explorer oil cooler nightmare | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2014 explorer oil cooler nightmare


New Member
September 8, 2014
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Fallbrook CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 explorer limited awd
Has anybody heard of any known issues with the oil coolers going out on the 3.5l standard v6 motors? Our 2014 limited awd has been in the shop for 4 weeks. The car just turned 20k miles. They say they are still waiting on hoses.when the oil cooler went out it sent a nasty mixture of oil and coolant through the cooling system, until finally blowing out the reservoir tank cap.ford is planing on replacing some hoses as flushing the system. Any opinion on long term effect from this type of fluid cross contamination would be much appreciated. Oil was in the cooling system, but it did not look like any coolant got into the oil pan.... that I could see.. Thanks for your replays?

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I've got no direct experience with this, but in general the oil system runs at higher PSI than the coolant system. How long did the engine run after the cap blew off? If it was not long, I would suspect that it was all oil going into the coolant. Regardless, this is all warrantied and on the record. Any water damage to the oiling system will probably rear its head sooner rather than later, and ford would have to replace the motor if that happens. You might ask for an extended drivetrain warranty to something like 100,000 miles or more for free.

Thanks for the reply.... We put about 30 miles on it getting it to the dealer after I found the pool of oil/coolant on my driveway. I will definatly be asking for a warranty if they expect me to keep the car... I am working with ford on a buy back, but so far not much success. I checked the dip stick as soon as I saw it and expected to see water in the oil pan thinking it new a head gasket or cracke the head. But it was clean and about a quart low. So I assume it was about a quart that went into the coolant. I don't know how they can think that it will flush out. It was a very thick consistency when the two mixed. We shall see

I've got a 2013 Ford Explorer Limited with 138000 miles on it that has just experienced this same failure. After removing the oil cooler from the engine block, I discovered that all of the rubber gaskets in between the oil cooler, oil filter adapter, and the engine block had flattened out and was allowing oil to seep into the cooling system. I ordered a new oil filter adapter for about $90, which came with new gaskets already installed and I am in the process of reinstalling the adapter and the oil cooler back on the car. I have read that the Orange coolant Ford had been using was problematic for rubber components and Ford has since advised to switch out the Orange coolant for the new Yellow coolant, which has a longer lifespan and is said to not degrade rubber components, specifically the water pump and hoses in the cooling system. Most of my knowledge of this comes from the Makuloco channel on Youtube, which I watch his videos frequently for updates on the 3.5L issues.

I wouldn’t expect Ford to give you anything free. You have a warranty. It’s covered. That’s all you’re owed.

I wouldn’t expect Ford to give you anything free. You have a warranty. It’s covered. That’s all you’re owed.
Were you replying to the member's post above yours? It's an 8 year old Explorer with 138k miles on it. I don't think it has a warranty unless I missed something.


Were you replying to the member's post above yours? It's an 8 year old Explorer with 138k miles on it. I don't think it has a warranty unless I missed something.

I forgot to quote post 2 about Ford “giving” them a 100k warranty.
