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2014 Sport being sent from rail yard back to Chicago?


August 29, 2013
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 F250 CC FX4 6.7
Ordered the wife a 2014 Sport a couple of months ago. Talked to the dealer Monday 8-26 and was told it was at the rail yard in Atlanta. (We live 25 miles south) The dealer calls today 29th and says there is a component recall for our build week and that the vehicle is being sent back to Chicago for inspection.

Anybody have any idea what this could be, how long this could take?

Been a lurker on here for awhile. Lots of valuable information! Thanks for the great site.

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My 2014 Sport is on the dock in Oakland waiting on a boat ride to Honolulu... Haven't heard anything about a recall (and hope I don't). Build date was 8/18... When was yours?

Blend date of 8-9-2013. Dealer said it's only that week. Hope to have more info in the next few days. Hope it comes in soon. I want my new F250 back from the wife!

Blend of 8/8 here and same BS excuses about delays and trains.

Waiting on a sport with a Blend date of 8/09, with an ETA of 8/31, will let you know if I hear anything on it.

Thanks for the info guys. Right now I'm trying to keep the wife from going to the Jeep dealer! She's pretty frustrated.

Hopefully she's not looking at the new Jeep Cherokee, those are pretty ugly IMHO.

I also have a blend date of 8/9. Do not currently have a new eta yet. Hopefully gets here soon.

8/9 blend date on mine too. I have not heard of any component issues with mine. Only waiting delivery. New ETA is 9/2. I am now seeing explorers arriving at dealers built after my build. :mad:

Blend date of 8-9-2013. Dealer said it's only that week. Hope to have more info in the next few days. Hope it comes in soon. I want my new F250 back from the wife!

RuhRoh! I just realized my build date was that week (8/7/13) and not the following week - I've not heard anything about it going back but it did take kind of a long time to get to the coast so maybe it was held and fixed already? My ETA is currently 9/18 but that includes it having to wait it's turn to get on a boat...

EX Limited Blend Date 8/10

... and Crystal has been updating weekly (thanks for that! :D)

The first delivery estimate was 9/2, then got slipped to 9/6. I'll check again this coming week. Wonder what the issue is?

Crystal - can you shed any light on what might be causing cars to be recalled for inspection?

On a good note, while we wait.... Since I'm out of town working this weekend the wife was going to the beach with the kids and grandma. Problem was, my truck is too tall to fit in the condo parking! (no not lifted just leveled). She talked to our sales manager who talked to the dealership owner who agreed to get her a rental suv for the three day weekend! I figured it would be nice to hear a good customer service story for a change, considering how most businesses work today!

The first delivery estimate was 9/2, then got slipped to 9/6. I'll check again this coming week. Wonder what the issue is?

Crystal - can you shed any light on what might be causing cars to be recalled for inspection?

My EX delivery was supposed to be today after a delay from 8/19. There does seem to be something fishy going on. :scratch: There are at least 5 people having issues with blend dates around 8/9, and explorers being delivered with build dates after mine.

Crystal, do you have any idea if this is a recall or just poor logistics on shipping?

On a good note, while we wait.... Since I'm out of town working this weekend the wife was going to the beach with the kids and grandma. Problem was, my truck is too tall to fit in the condo parking! (no not lifted just leveled). She talked to our sales manager who talked to the dealership owner who agreed to get her a rental suv for the three day weekend! I figured it would be nice to hear a good customer service story for a change, considering how most businesses work today!

That's fabulous! We asked to be given something to drive while we waited too, since my other vehicle is to be sold and I am driving my mothers car (tight fit for three young kids), we were told they don't do that and they have never heard of anyone asking for that. We wouldn't have even considered asking if three other EXs hadn't been sold in front of our faces within one week.

...Crystal, do you have any idea if this is a recall or just poor logistics on shipping?

...Crystal - can you shed any light on what might be causing cars to be recalled for inspection?

Hi Greg99 and OKC_Explorer,

There are no active recalls that I can see for the 2014 Explorer; your dealerships are the best source of information about order specifics. As always, I'm more than happy to keep you updated on status information that's available in my tracker. Just send me a PM when you're ready for an update. :thumbsup:


Thank You for the information. I sure hope this gets here in the next day or so.


Sure seems odd that these orders are getting delayed. I am waiting on one to deliver in Omaha, it's ETA was 8/31, dealership said it was in Lincoln on 8/31, which is less than 60 miles away, yet it still hasn't delivered.

My EX is still waiting for delivery since 8/12. The ETA was changed late last week from 8/19 to 9/2....No EX yet. I called the dealer and also have a Case number with customer support. So far no real answers to what is going on. Dealer says any day, any day.

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Beginning to wonder

Unfortunately I feel as if I may be in the same boat. Ordered and XLT on July 11 with original ETA to dealership (in Pa) on 8/22. Subsequently pushed back to 8/29 and still have yet to receive any good news. Dealership says it's in Buffalo awaiting shipment? So it supposedly made it from Chicago to Buffalo. To the dealerships credit, they did give me a loaner car, as the inspection was up the end of August on the vehicle I was trading in. So that helped a little. Still in the dark on an ETA however.
