2015 Mustang Photos Released | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 Mustang Photos Released


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST


  • 2015_mustang.jpg
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That's a crappy picture. There are much better quality photos, and at more flattering angles, out there; including Ford's website.

I don't hate the car. Its kinda cool looking. As a commenter on Facebook noted, it is starting to look like a Nissan GT-R. Good or bad, I guess is a matter of taste.

Just like the newer "Explorers", I don't dislike the vehicle, for what it really is. BUT, it is NOT, and never will be, an Explorer. It lacks the appearance, or capabilities to be worthy of the name. Along those lines, albeit to a much lesser extent, this is starting to wander a bit from what can, or should be, called a Mustang. Its not that bad yet. I still see much Mustang "DNA", and it does have the "5.0", so there's that. It ain't a Probe....... (Which was going to be the "new" Mustang originally, until enthusiasts said "Hell no!")

Overall, I like the car. However, I doubt I would ever buy this, or just about any new car, for the same reasons: Overpriced, and they insist on cramming all the failure prone gizmos and gadgets down your throat, via "packages", unless you want a totally stripped down base model. For instance, on the 2014 V6 base, I would very much want power seats and an auto dimming mirror, but no way I would ever buy the "Tech Package" they are bundled in, because they force "SYNC" on you with that. Why can't I just pick ala carte, like the old COPO days?

I'm sorry Rick, but I disagree with you. Ford hit a home run with this car because it surpasses the last style in every way. I mean, you can now buy a Mustang GT that will outperform the 2013 Boss 302 on a road course... Heck, the standard engine is basically the Boss 302 and there is a guy that was pushing 850hp in his Boss for the last two years before it finally gave out. Looking forward to what SVT has in store...

For a little more info: http://www.mustang6g.com/forums/showthread.php?t=988

I agree, I dont hate it but its getting pretty hard to keep calling it a mustang

That's a crappy picture. There are much better quality photos, and at more flattering angles, out there; including Ford's website.

I don't hate the car. Its kinda cool looking. As a commenter on Facebook noted, it is starting to look like a Nissan GT-R. Good or bad, I guess is a matter of taste.

Gtr was my first thought even before i seen your comment lol. My opinion is almost all new cars look like junk plastic this pleather that soon none of us will work on our cars let alone modify a prius or leaf that is not an american muscle car in my eyes. P.s. i own a japanese sporst car so i have experience with plastic this and that

The front end just looks too soft to me. A few years ago everything had to be oval, now everything has to be Aston.

I've seen the other photos. I see a hint of Camaro in the rear quarters, and even Dodge Charger when looking at the front end directly from the side. The middle, still Mustang.

Maybe once I get up next to one I'll have a different opinion:dunno:

The front end just looks too soft to me. A few years ago everything had to be oval, now everything has to be Aston.

I've seen the other photos. I see a hint of Camaro in the rear quarters, and even Dodge Charger when looking at the front end directly from the side. The middle, still Mustang.

Maybe once I get up next to one I'll have a different opinion:dunno:

I bet your opinion will change once you see one in person with the color you like. As you know, the GT500 variant usually has a tweaked (better IMO) front end, so it's possible SVT has the "look" everyone is screaming for on the next halo Mustang.

The 2015 Mustang GT has me seriously considering selling my Explorer and quads to pick one up...




The straight on rear view is nice. The shot that shows the rear quarters well, to me shows a quarter that looks very similar to the Camaro:dunno:

It looks good. I'm a fan! Is it the best looking one ever? No, but they once again stay ahead of the competition with this look and 'Stang.

I have a feeling it will grow on me more too.
