20's or 22's..?? plz help. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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20's or 22's..?? plz help.

I'm picking up my 97' Explorer this week hopefully, with the 5.0. I have the money for either 20's or 22's.. I keep hearing that 22's are hard to fit on an explorer, but 20's work easy. I live in Mass (tons of pot holes/road hazards) so which size would be better? I don't want them to rub alot, a little is fine. But i don't wana spend a few thousand dollars and say I should have gotten bigger rims? What does everyone suggest for my area and a size that will fit relatively easy. i drive my car alot/ 500 miles a week also if that matters..thanks everyone-
-do these size rims affect your gas milage/speedometer much? thanks-ben

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If you drive you car about 500 miles a week with roads full of potholes, you're going to regret every minute the ride quality of the 22s. Not to mention, swirving for each pothole so you don't go knocking your rims up. Looks isn't a choice here at this point, the only logical thing to do would to get a set of 20s with 275/45/20s and keep that ride quality par enough.

I would definately stay with 20s if you want some decent ride quality and don't want to worry about bending a rim after every pothole.


aight thanx everyone. anyone have any decent pics of 20's, hoping like 6 spoke rims? what's popular? I'm tyring to get some ideas because I'm pickin up the new X at the end of this week so i want to put the rims on order..thanks

I would go with Hartman's rims. Those are some sweet wheels.

Knowing firsthand what Worcesters roads are like, I'd barely even risk it with my 20's now. One glance in the rearview mirror and you could land yourself with a few blownout tires and some very expensive bent rims.

My 97' w/ a 5.0... and new 20's.


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draft who makes your rims? and what size tires?

Zinik Shogun 20x8.5s wrapped in Falken Ziex S/T 275/45/20s. More/newer picks in my cardomain link in my sig.

Stick with the 20's, Low profile tires can be a real pain if they're too slim.


20's. We have crappy roads here in MI also, I have 285/50/20 tires.

Hey... those 285-50's look pretty good. I have 275-45, but want a little taller. Did you notice much low-end loss with those?

And where did you get those grilles?!?!? They're the best I've seen!


I got them from Flik at flikkustoms.com. I also think they are the best looking grill available, but the install is a huge PITA. Can't beat the look though.

As far as the 285-50's, yes I noticed some low-end loss, but I went from my stock 17's to these 20's. I noticed a lot of differences, lol. I love the wheels though, the performance hit doesn't bother me at all.
