2nd gen headlights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd gen headlights

Here's the head lights that were on the pour old girl.
I'm thinking $50.00 + shipping if anyone is interested.


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buy the left side at full price, receive the right side absolutely free!

Those don't look stock. What kind are they? May be interested.

Those don't look stock. What kind are they? May be interested.

those are aftermarket projector lights. they also will come with the complete H.I.D. kit that is mostly plug and play.

Sounds good... Can i get a shipping quote to 67357?

Sorry for the delay.
I've been dealing with some family issues.

Shipping is $41.00 to 67357. Its the size of the box. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

I can't really say what kind they are as I bought them years ago on a group buy.
The headlights worked with no issues at all. I did add bright white led's in the corners and made them daylight running lights. It worked really well, and I never had an issue with law enforcement as daytime running lights are law here.

The beam spread on them is not as good as a high end projector, but far better than just sticking a hid bulb in the factory headlight.

From my experiences with hid, the bulbs do get noticeably weak over time, and it might be a good idea to pick up a set of new generic h1 hid bulbs. They can be super inexpensive to buy.

sorry, got distracted over the weekend. Did some investigating into what I've got to get done and gonna have to pass on the lights. Can't swing unnecessary upgrades at this time, gotta put new brakes on the Explorer and new hubs on the Tbird. But if you still have them after that.... :)

I might be interested, mine are the original ones from the dealership and I've polished and sealed them a couple of times, and I think that was It for them. Are they a bit yellowed by the sun or are they just dirty? How much shipped to Guadalajara, Mexico?

i am stepping in here for don. he has been pretty busy with some other things and hasnt had time to really post much. they were a little yellowed, however i spent maybe 5 mins with some polish, and they look like new now. there is some small pitting on them, but hey, they are used right? can you pm me your address? i will see what shipping will be, and how long it will take.
thanks, tim

i am stepping in here for don. he has been pretty busy with some other things and hasnt had time to really post much. they were a little yellowed, however i spent maybe 5 mins with some polish, and they look like new now. there is some small pitting on them, but hey, they are used right? can you pm me your address? i will see what shipping will be, and how long it will take.
thanks, tim
Thanks a lot for stepping in, great, pm will be sent

PM'd you shipping cost
Thanks a lot!! I've checked the pm and I just think the shipping cost alone is gonna force me to get some oem generic headlights.thank you for real, I've enjoyed your posts and fabrication skills for about eight years!!

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