31x10.5's on my Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31x10.5's on my Explorer?

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should have no probs.

You should not have any problems, but keep in mind that your suspension may have sagged over the past 12 years and you may get some rubbing. Each ex is different. Some people have no problems and some do.

a TT and shackel lift is a cheap 2" lift if you have any rubbing issues...auto zone shackels(warriors are better i know) are like 15$ and then the TT is free(plus alignment afterward).

when you do the autozone shackels for the rear, how do you lift the front to even it out?


when you do the autozone shackels for the rear, how do you lift the front to even it out?


TT = Torsion Twist

You adjust your torsion bars so they hold the car up higher. You then have to adjust the camber on your tires afterwards or they will wear unevenly.

I may be wrong on that though because I only do work on first gens.
