33x10.50 tire | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33x10.50 tire

I know BFG makes a 33x10.50 tire and was wondering if there are any other companies out there that make a 10.50? i thought i had seen the TSL's in a 10.50 but i could be wrong. if they do make a 10.50 how loud of a tire are they? they were about $15 cheaper than the 10.50 BFG's. if anyone has any idea if my theory is correct please let me know or if anyone has run or is currently running these tires.


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which TSL's? boggers, swampers thornbirds?

all of the tsl's are louder than any of the bfg's

the radial?

i do believe they were the TSL radials.

so would that be the radial swampers?...i think the radial swampers are the only ones that come in a radial but i am not sure

i'll look into it bc i really wanna go to a narrower tire and rim. and i think the price on the 33x10.50 TSL radial was like $112-$115.


Why do you want to go to such a skinny tire? I have 6" of lift and run 33x12.50 tires on 15x8 rims and have no problem with rubbing. The rims have 3.75" backspacing. I wasn't sure if this was your problem (rubbing), but I just thought i would throw my 2 cents worth in.

I don't do much offroading and also i figured that the 10.50 would be a better fit for the road rather than a 12.50. i have 8" of lift w/ no rubbing but i just don't need anything that beefy.


Cool. A skinnier tire should help out with fuel milage also. I was just wondering. Later.

if you are that tall, you need to have wider tires....or youll flip....wider is better...your cg will be too high on such a tiny tire and the wider tire will definately increase your stability and handling!

i know the higher u go the wider u need to go, but i don't need such a hefty tire for what i use mine for. i would go w/ a 9.50 but that's really pushing it. something right in the middle should do it for me.


i used to be a tire technician and im telling you that wider is the best. especially with 8 inches of lift. lets see. your truck sits about 10-11 inches taller than stock....you need that extra width. also i would never put a 10.5 on a 10 inch wide wheel. you will blow beads left and right. if you ever air down. that is too wide of a wheel to use with a 10.5 imho

bfg doesn't make a 33x10.50 they do make a 33x9.50 but anyways i say don't listen to them....... get what u want.... go with the 33x10.50 with a 7-8 inch rim

No, as a matter of fact BF does now make the AT in the 33x10.50 size. I think that would be a great choice for what it sounds like you do. I've been looking at them too. If I had tons of money for a straight axle conversion, I'd get the 12.50s. Too bad the frontend and brakes are too weak to handle them now though. (Whoever says they're plenty strong doesn't drive his Explorer every day and travel the interstate frequently, face it guys)

so if anybody is looking to upgrade to a 10" rim and a 33x12.50 tire lemme know. i'm sure i can part w/ the rims and tires i got now since i have another set.


i stand corrected


they are Sidewinder Radial Mud Terrains and i have put about 8K miles on them since i bought them used. i say there's about 50% tread life left on them. i have never taken them offroad and i dunno if the guy before me did it much either. u can see a pic of the rims in my profile. i dunno where u live but would 500 plus shipping sound good?

lemme know


I have 33x10.5's on my Exploder. 6" of lift, solid axle front. They strike me as a good balance. I get about 1.5 mpg better mileage than 12.5's. Seriously. Wider is better in alot of conditions, but I do great in snow and on the rocks with my 10.5's. I have them on 8" steals with 4" offset. No rub of course. They are a little less stable than 12.5's but I drive to compensate. No racing for me. I figure I'm up about 8" in total and about 4" wider than stock. 12.5's on the same rims would give me 6" wider than stock.



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