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3rd gen body drop? possible?


Active Member
October 20, 2010
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2003 Explorer Limited 4.6
Heh all the new lowernig springs and struts are going in now.

I've been searching the threads looking for other ways to lower and 03 limited 4x4 4.6l and I can't seem to find anything other than lowering springs.

Are there any other options? I don't mind doing mild mods since I work at a dealership. Is there anything else that can be removed or modded to help get a bit lower?

Any hints or tips will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance Colin

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How thick are they? Any chance I could replace them with something a bit thinner?

not very thick. 3/4"-1" maybe. If you did replace them with thinner ones the only thing I'd worry about is making sure the body mount bolts have enough thread to tighten back down since they are not threaded their whole length. But if you ran into that you could always get shorter replacement bolts (M12 type grade 8).

You can see what I'm talking about if you jack up the truck and crawl under it right under the rear seat foot area....one of the mounts is underneath there and easy to see.

After thinking about this a bit more, I believe you are going to run into some other issues if you try this:

-Front bumper reinforcement and rear bumper reinforcement/hitch would need to be moved downward or you would need to dig out the foam blocks that touch these parts so you can reinstall the bumper covers

-Upper shroud of cooling fan may need to be trimmed since the fan won't change position in relation to the body and may hit the shroud

Still might be do-able but it will involve some work to address these issues.

Doesn't sound worth it for 1/2 an inch.... two inches maibe..

Thanks for the info. I'll have a look when i get it up on the hoist tomorow

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