4.0 sohc mods (actually modifying parts) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 sohc mods (actually modifying parts)


June 23, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
North Kingstown RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 xlt sohc
I am curious about what will give results on our motors. I am looking at actually modifying existing parts, not simply swapping them. A CAI, exhaust, and tune are in the works, just want to make them even more usefull

so far I have brainstormed:

1. smoothing TB butterfly
2. possibly porting intake manifold.

any other suggestions on cheap mods? I can do the work as I am laid off atm and have the skill.

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-Clean your maf sensor and tb.
-You can modify the tb by cutting half of the bar that holds the plate in place in the tb. There was a write up somewhere on the boards.
-Also the zip tie mod. Place a zip tie on the end of the throttle cable to tighten up any slack. Dont do this mod though if the tb already opens all the way when you press the pedal down.
-Swiss cheese your airfilter box.

These are just some quick easy ones i can think of off the top of my head.

-Clean your maf sensor and tb.
-You can modify the tb by cutting half of the bar that holds the plate in place in the tb. There was a write up somewhere on the boards.
-Also the zip tie mod. Place a zip tie on the end of the throttle cable to tighten up any slack. Dont do this mod though if the tb already opens all the way when you press the pedal down.
-Swiss cheese your airfilter box.

These are just some quick easy ones i can think of off the top of my head.

I should have been more clear on what I have already done lol sorry guys.

I have checked the TB opening, and it fully opens. I have cleaned the maf and TB. Also cleaned the K&N drop in that came with the truck :). and have swiss cheesed the airbox.

Looks like we are on the same page xlt!

Haha i guess we are on the same page. The only other thing i can think of is porting the tb and maf housing. I once read a thread a while back were a member did this and had good results. He was able to open them up a little more using a 3" sanding flap wheel and measuring with a calipers to make sure he didnt take to much off. Just an idea.

get your heads ported and polished, and a 3 or 5 angle valve job

My TB has been ported and shafted. Works good. You can also start cutting stuff out of the exhaust. Resonator to start.

Also think of aerodynamics and weight. Get rid of that spare tire and roof rack.

Seafoam the motor. Maybe start on cheap mods? custom intake, simply swap stick muffler with better flowing, ect

My TB has been ported and shafted. Works good. You can also start cutting stuff out of the exhaust. Resonator to start.

Also think of aerodynamics and weight. Get rid of that spare tire and roof rack.

Seafoam the motor. Maybe start on cheap mods? custom intake, simply swap stick muffler with better flowing, ect

Yeah roof rack is gone and truck was seafoamed over the weekend. (what a show that made :p:)

better intake and exhaust are next on the list as well
