4406 Rear Drive Shaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4406 Rear Drive Shaft

MAS Tequila

Elite Explorer
October 6, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Boca Raton FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 PIU
Can someone please let me know what the length is of the required rear driveshaft for the 44060 swap.

I bought all of the parts a few months ago and just recently pulled the driveshafts out of the shipping boxes.

After looking at some of the older posts, one with pictures, I think I may have gotten the wrong rear shaft.

I have a 2004 Expedition rear shaft that measures 38" from the centers of the u-joints.

Do I need to have this shortened?



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From an expedition but was it from an expedition with a 5.4? That's what I used per the instructions in mountaineer greens writeup,

From an expedition but was it from an expedition with a 5.4? That's what I used per the instructions in mountaineer greens writeup,

Yes a 5.4 Expedition, but I'm not sure now if it was 4 or 2 wheel drive.


Does yours have the sticker on it? I gave you the number of the correct one.

I could be wrong, but I always thought it was a 1st gen Expedition that the shaft comes from, the one with a solid rear axle.

Does yours have the sticker on it? I gave you the number of the correct one.

No, the one I have does not have a sticker.

I would rather just pay to have it shortened, if need be, than buy another one.

Someone had pictures of their parts for the swap and both the front and rear soft looked to be about the same size.

My rear one is about 6" longer than than the front one.

I was hoping someone had the dimensions.

I appreciate all of the help.


No, the one I have does not have a sticker.

I would rather just pay to have it shortened, if need be, than buy another one.

Someone had pictures of their parts for the swap and both the front and rear soft looked to be about the same size.

My rear one is about 6" longer than than the front one.

I was hoping someone had the dimensions.

I appreciate all of the help.


6'' sounds bout right to me.
