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5.0 Sport Trac Lives

Ok I skimmed this thread. I am familiar with a 5.0 swap as Ive done one in my 98 ranger (pre pats). My question is the wiring basically. I would be going 97 or older to avoid PATS and running a return line to the tank. Worked perfect on my ranger.

Are there any surprises I should watch out for wiring wise doing this? The ST is an 03

There are a few wiring issues including wiring in a g force transducer. Follow my Trac build thread, first post has what you need...


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Thank you! I never saw that transducer before. Maybe thats why the speedo is nuts on my ranger. I didnt use it on that swap

97 mountie into a 98 ranger. Didnt want pats. Had to run my own fuel return line though

My speedo issue is one of its own. Bounces after 45mph. replaced vss twice, changed diff fluid, changed ABS piece under the hood, Changed speedo in the dash, Only part left is the module under the dash

IIRC. The 97 Speedo system goes from the vss in the trans/tcase to the ECU to the instrument cluster. It didn't go through the abs module til the vss was removed from the trans/tcase. Did you change the vss from the trans/tcase or the rear axle? Did you check the vss gear teeth?


N2Ford just dropped off his sport trac and donor for the V8 swap transformation, 4406 install, and rear LS/disc brake install. Nice guy to talk to, sucks he was taken advantage of by that shop, but his truck's in good hands now. Stay tuned for a build thread starting next week...


It was good to meet Rick today. The pictures to not do his Ranger justice, that thing is big and looks good. His plans for it are interesting also. Looking forward to the build thread since I have pretty much hi jacked this one, sorry bout that.

Looking forward to the build thread of your 2001. Curious is it a Job 1 or Job 2 model, do you know? The Job 1 is a bit easier, but the Job 2 isn't bad. If you need any wiring pinouts, I have them for a 2001 model.

Mine is a job 2 and the Mounty donor is a 98. There will be some pats issues but SVT said he can work them out. The job 2 engine that is coming out will have some timing chain and possibly head gasket work done to it and go into a job 1 ST I bought with a blown engine. That will either be sold or one of my kids might drive it.

Yeah you can actually swap Pats B into a Pats E vehicle just a bit more wiring involved under the dash, but it is possible. As for the VSS signal is he gonna use the Explorer ABS controller module and G-sensor, or aftermarket like the Speed Changer from Terf? Do you know the rear axle ratio in the Explorer and The one in your Sport Trac?

Not sure on the abs stuff. The Mounty is 3.73 ls with disc brakes. The ST is 4.10 open with drum brakes. After he is done the ST will be 4.10 ls with disc brakes.

With the Explorer being 3:73 gears and your Sport Trac being 4:10 if you use the Explorer abs module, and gsensor, the speedometer will be off a bit, but it will work. A tuner may be able to correct that though if it can access the Ford Abs settings.

if the mounty is the rear-end mounted ABS/speedo setup then you can tune it with a SCT like i did my truck. if it is the g thing then im not sure.

The Mountaineer gets it's signal from the rear ABS sensor mounted on the rear end housing, which is corrected in the ABS module and then sent onward to the PCM, speedometer, cruise, etc. The Sport Trac Job 2 from 01-05 the PCM is the source for the speedometer, cruise, etc it receives a signal from a sensor on the transmission and then corrects it and sends it onward.

The Job 1, and Job 2 went through some wiring changes, the early 01 - Job 1 is the easier candidate for the 5.0 swap but the Job 2 isn't to difficult itself. The SpeedChanger II from TERF though can read the signal from the rear ABS sensor as well and correct it for the proper signal to the speedometer, cruise, etc. It can also correct the speedometer for differences in tire ratios and rear gear changes. I believe the SCT should work as well.

Yeah it's been windy and cold here also, ready for some warm weather. Looking forward to the build, are you going to be swapping in the Mounty's Pats B or tune it out?

any updates?

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