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Completed Project 5.0 swap - w/ 4406

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That's great to hear, that everyone had a good time and helped out a friend. Well done Andy to figure it out and make it better.

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Very nice! I'm sure anyone with a modified v8 would be interested in this. Heck, I think I might(other than the rails, of course). Very clean install, looks fantastic.

Still have those part numbers? Since I'm dropping my tank anyway for a higher volume pump, I think I'd like to do the fuel line upgrade.

Edit...oops, see Page 14 for the main parts used.

no problem. I will say though that I'm looking for a replacement fitting to go from the 6AN line to the stock 5/16 return line. Last weekend I pulled it out of the garage to go to a car show and found that it was leaking gas from that fitting. It uses a rubber style compression fitting that goes over the 5/16 line and then friction holds it on after you tighten it up like a compression fitting. I would like to find a fitting that uses a traditional brass or stainless compression fitting on the hard tube end to eliminate this weak link.

That would seem so. lol.. I didn't realize yours was a 2000, actually the thought never occurred to me!


Lol yeah it isn't a cheap upgrade. That fuel filter is slick though, especially how it fits in the stock mount. You should be able to find an adapter to use the stock line on the other side of the fuel filter.

more cleaning

you want this part number for the adapter at the tank: Russell Performance 640850

As for from the filter to the stock fuel line I don't think you have the right number there either. 644110 is a male AN6 to a female 5/16" pipe thread. Are you trying to go with stock line from the filter to the fuel rail? If so I'm not 100% sure how to do that. I would have to research to see if they make an adaptor for the stock push style fitting to clip onto from the fuel filter. I know that they make an adaptor to go from AN6 line to the stock rails. That adapter is like $25 though.

P.S. the threads on that fuel filter are 1/2" female pipe.

last clean.

Did you end up figuring it all out then?

I think so.
I used ebay to purchase most of the ends.
Im going to buy the same filter you have as I already bought the 1/2 inch to 6an adapters. That and the filter you have filters insanely small particles, flows extremely well, and has replaceable filters.

Im out of town right now, but will do the summit order when I get back. I understand now what you were saying about the end required at the fuel filter side. I think another member (JD4242) found exactly what I need on that side of the filter to tie in with existing fuel line.

I appreciate your help. You pretty much pioneered the fuel line upgrade mod on this forum.

No problem! Thanks too, I guess I didn't realize that up till now. Glad I could find something to add here that hasn't been done yet!

Not much has changed here. I did get to a local drag strip again on the last test & tune of the season. I managed to pull off a cool 13.51 @ 101mph in the quarter with a 2wd launch. In case there was any doubt, I do need to engage 4wd if I want to mash the pedal off the line (front drive shaft was not installed that day); it will just fry the tires in 2. Also I found out that there is a huge benefit in keeping the supercharger cooled off between runs. I had the weather in my favor for making power too, roughly 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cold weather makes more power, but hook up is more difficult. Man, it's always something-;)

That is a respectable ET though:thumbsup:

Thanks for the update. :D

Well Tim, I took the leap of faith and drilled nice big hole in the top plate of the EE supercharger kit so that I could move my intake air temp sensor.

Fingers crossed it works out!



I posted this in my original registry as well forgetting where most of my followers for this build are..

Look what I just stumbled apon... Supercharger Intake

It is an intake designed specifically for use with superchargers on a 302! Too bad they don't seem to make them for an EFI model.

I'd think some re-tuning should be done. Add more timing, and use the iat tables to pull timing based on temperature. I don't think you will see any more power under heavy boost when the air charge is hot, but you should see a noticeable difference under all other conditions.

Any thoughts of adding water/meth?
Its a pain in the a$$ keeping the tank filled, but definite gains to be had once the tuning is done. On my 4.0 Banshee system, I didn't start spraying till about 3-4 lbs boost, and could really feel the difference when it was spraying, as opposed to shut off.

I never gave meth injection much thought, but for the 3,000 miles a year I drive, it might be worth it. I'm think I'm due for a retune after this anyhow because I added the larger fuel rails, changed the IAT sensor location and if I add meth I will definitely need it. I also need the trans shifts touched up too (I added a shift kit since that last tuning).

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that almost hurts just looking at that! wanted to ask why you removed everything with the lower intake.....or are you doing something else as well, you sneaky guy you.
its funny because i ran those part numbers you listed in my thread (Sensor part # is: WT385P, pigtail is: PT758) and did a search on ebay to see what they came from. one of them was a 96 explorer (motor didnt matter). one of the other ones was a 90's f150. i found a f150 at work, but its a press in, but everything else looks the same. i am going to watch for a few matches on the list it gave me at work to see if i can find something.
oh, one more thing. did you add a new shift kit to your truck, or are you talking about the "j mod"?
