512 code still chasing my tail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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512 code still chasing my tail


Active Member
April 7, 2005
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93 4 door
Here is a rundown:This happens intermittently,hard start, runs rich will clear up by itself.It is currently is throwing a 512 code (KAM)
New maf
new ect
new tps
new ign switch
new fuel filter
new fpr
Have gone through all the wireing I can access and checked grounds.When it runs it runs great.I can now seemingly control it by quickly turning ign on and off while running.The fuel pump will also go past prime and run continiously with the key on engine off.I am starting to think it is the pcm,any thoughts?

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CM 512 suggests some kind of wiring fault in the KAM power supply circuit. Probably not directly related to running rich/hard start, but if you track down the wiring fault causing the CM 512, you might find the fault triggering the other conditions. You say you've been through all the wiring you can access. I don't know how much that is, but there really isn't much to the KAM power circuit. Have you tried a wiggle test? KAM power should be hot at all times, so hook up a voltmeter to KAM power and wiggle the wiring harness in various places watching the voltmeter to see if power is interrupted.

Thanks for responses!I am assuming that the yel wire from 30a fuse in power dist box is the full time power supply?I pulled the pcm off last night and laid it over to check connections there,the harness is pretty cramped so I wiggled some of the wires around and noticed that yel wire was hanging out of harness but appeared that none of the wires were breached in area.I did not unplug yet.I do not know if I'm making any progress but in the last three times when starting it fires right up and idles for a couple of minutes,then glitches goes rich to the point of stalling.I shut it off,start it back up and all is fine all the way to work (35miles).

KAM power is pin 1 on the PCM. If memory serves, that is a yellow wire, but you'd want to verify that by seeing what is plugged into pin 1 on the PCM and maybe checking against a wiring diagram.

I am referencing a diaghram which has help me understand how everything is linked up.Because it is random it has been a struggle to trace,for instance this morning it ran great with no glitches.I will continue my quest to find out what is going on and post my findings.There are a lot of threads that I have gone through that do not post remedy which is very frustrating.
