5R55S Harsh Reverse & P0741 TCC Performance Valve Body Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5R55S Harsh Reverse & P0741 TCC Performance Valve Body Replacement


Well-Known Member
April 23, 2013
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2012 Explorer XLT
Been ultra busy over at my channel and haven't gotten on the boards much but wanted to get some of the key what I think are the most helpful videos out to those that still aren't subscribed. This is a video I have been wanting to do for awhile and is a very common failure for these two concerns listed in title. The problem is sticking valves due to wear in the valve body itself and affects all 5R55S transmissions in many vehicles. This is the second most common reason for a Harsh reverse only concern on these vehicles and the most common reason you are getting P0741 codes for the Torque Convertor Clutch not coming on. I hope this helps!


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Very cool video. I have just started to get hard clunk when shifting in reverse. Some times when hard on throttle then off throttle it clunks a little. Been changing filter every year and oil every year to counter the problem. Seems to help but I know something is sticking or needs some repair.

subscribed !

I will eventually get to this. But - for those who have the clunk / delay / slam into reverse - if it's mainly from Park, try this if you need to buy some time until you get this repaired (I got in the habit of doing this with another vehicle for a similar issue, different cause).

Never, ever shift from Park > Reverse.
Instead, shift from Park > Drive, wait a couple of seconds, then shift Drive > Reverse. You'll note that that engagement is a LOT softer (kinda equivalent to Park > Drive).

If that doesn't help, try extending by a second or two - if it still slams after, say 5 seconds in Drive, then this probably won't help you... but I've been doing it for four months now since I got this '02, and it works every time for me.

Also, don't take the vehicle out of Park when it's running at high idle...let it warm up a few seconds and kick down to a more normal idle. Should only take a few seconds, unless we're talking dead of winter.

Now that I write about this, I realize that I do it with any car that I drive. Not that you need to do this with every car - it's just a habit I have, just in case the vehicle in question might have a problem. And I do think it's better for the life of the transmission.

I'm hoping I can get through the winter with it; then I'll do this repair in the spring. The trans shifts reliably through the gears and I never have any trans-related codes pop up, so maybe I'll be lucky this winter :)

I've just spent so many weekends this summer working on things on this truck, that I just want to take care of a couple of last things before winter, and leave this until spring.

Ok so Im guessing that he just replaced the entire valve body? Do they come pre-assembled or how does that work? What about that reverse srevo, need to replace that too?

I've got several tranny "issues" that I'll need to take care of at some point and one of them includes the "reverse clang" that happens. I have this bad habit of starting the engine and immediately throwing the tranny into reverse and this is when I get the big clang. If I start up the engine and wait about 30 seconds usually there't no clang when I put it in reverse. I'm assuming that this video might be the solution to that particular problem.

TMI on this one! I'm hangin' out to see what else develops. IMO, the 5R55S is pretty well thought-out, made to shift carefully based on speed and load, (that saves clutches and bands), the servo problems seem overblown, or my own lucked out, whatever became of thoser old cat iron Behemoths which had no problems with aluminum alloy, and all the other issues of today? Tell ya what, though, having been a part of it then, 100K for an auto w/o major trouble was pretty rare. 200K ****ing NEVER.

Now, my own 2004 is pushing 160K. I worry a little bit, but try to ignore that. It works, it works acceptably, when **** happens to intervene, THEN I'll get worried. Fer now, we're gettin' by!
