NJ Pine Barrens Run: Weekend of April 5-6 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NJ Pine Barrens Run: Weekend of April 5-6

April 5th or 6th

  • Saturday April 5th

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Sunday Apritl 6th

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
I gave mine a stealth sub box and Herculined the rear deck.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann


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speaking of herculiner,i gotta undercoat my truck before we go offroadin again,and run over 2 my friends and pick up my cb

Andy, doing all that and no snorkel yet?

does anyone have a thread going for the show and swap meet at e-town?

Andy, doing all that and no snorkel yet?

Nope. :D I've just been busy with other little projects. Last Saturday was all rain. Sunday was finished out by ripping out the rest of the interior. Then work all week with only 2 hours a night to work. Somewhere around Wednesday I made my truck undrivable because the last Torx 45 bolt that held my seatbelts in was stripped :mad: so that meant the driver's interior panel was just flapping everywhere. This Saturday was the Herculiner, sub and driver side reinstallation. And today was church at 8 then a 2hour haul down to my grandparent's house in Bayville. I just got back awhile ago around 9p.m.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Since I have everyone's ears..... Does anyone know of a good and cheap shop to regear a D35 front housing ASAP?

hmmm u can try 215-744-4141 its comly automotive,ask for dean tell him john from the bakery sent ya,hes pretty reasonable

aaron.. for who u? what are u doing to ur truck now?

aaron.. for who u? what are u doing to ur truck now?

Most likely it's for his truck. He was going to jam 33's under there, remember? :)

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

ya i kno but i also dont remember hearing about a new axel or gears or ne thing... if it is for him awesome... if not w/e but was jw

If you check the for sale forum, Aaron just bought a 4'' suspension lift. He's going biiiiig. :D

well 4 inches and 33s arent exactly biiiig, but it will be awesome!!!

The work never stops, and the plan keeps evolving.

Here's the current plan:

4" Superlift on front end (bought used)
SOA on Rear (buying Izwack's old axle, from SurrealNJ)
Using an axle out of a 95 with Disconnect (Just picked up from a junkyard about an hour ago)
4.56 Gears. Maybe an Aussie in front, we'll see.
33x12.5R15 Interco TrXus MT on Chromed Cragar Steel (Already have)

I will not let these mods impede my attending the run, even if I wait until after the run to begin the suspension teardown.

I will have a bunch of parts to sell soon, including a matched set of 3.73 axles.

my boss gave me this idea, what if told a local newspaper about our event? like hey we do care about the environment kinda thing and tell them a little about what were are doing/did. just a thought

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my boss gave me this idea, what if told a local newspaper about our event? like hey we do care about the environment kinda thing and tell them a little about what were are doing/did. just a thought

Fantastic Idea, but let me contact the Wharton Rangers 1st...

My gut is to do this one "low-key" and see how it goes, and then take it from there.
