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Solved 5R55W Fill Tool

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That's a neat tool: Just so others can see it when the listing is removed:

The SPEEDY-FILL pump is designed for the do-it-yourselfer as well as the professional mechanic. A SPEEDY-FILL will make the job of filling the transmission on a Ford 5R55W transmission much easier and faster with less mess. SPEEDY-FILL can also be used to fill front and rear axles, transfer cases, gear boxes, transaxles or almost anywhere a lubricant (90 weight max viscosity) or coolant needs to be pumped. SPEEDY-FILL holds up to one quart of fluid and works on your shop compressed air supply of 80-150 psi.

The hose end will thread into the pan fill port on a Ford 5R55W transmission, used on 2002 & up Ford Explorers and 2005 & up Ford Mustangs. These transmissions do not have a dipstick or tube and the Ford recommened procedure is to fill them from the pan fill port.

SPEEDY-FILL works great to fill the 8.8 rear axle on the 2005-2008 Ford Mustang. SPEEDY-FILL can quickly pump the synthectic lubricant that these axles use.

To use, release any residual pressure, remove the top fill port cap, fill the SPEEDY-FILL with up to one quart of fluid, replace and tighten the cap, charge with compressed air (80-150psi), dispense fluid by depressing the thumb lever.

Thanks for sharing this.


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Pretty cool item. Kind of expensive though. A hand pump runs around $10. Maybe Harbor Freight has one for cheaper.

Yes it is a little expensive, but you do not need the fill adapter, that cost about $20 and is prone to leaking. Plus this pump does a quart in about 15 seconds and can be used for rear axles and transfer caes.

where can i purchase a speedy fill? couldn't find anything on the net.

I was involved in developing the protoype. You are right in that the capacity per fill is limited, only one quart. It is a fast and secure way to add a quart. The SpeedyFill is more convient to transport than a five gallon container. The threaded connector screws directly into the trans pan, thus reducing the possibility of spills. There is a model under consideration that uses a CO2 cylinder for pressure, and therfore does not rely on shop air. It uses one cylinder to pump a quart.

Could you make a unit with a hand pump to the store the air pressure? Basically you would pump it a few times, then it does everything on its own. It could have a pressure release button to stop it from pumping automatically.

I take my SpedyFill with me when I go off road. Fortunately I have never needed it. I thought that if I devolped a trans leak and had to pump a couple of quarts of fluid, I could do it almost anywhere, with little spillage. I planned to use my 12 vdc air compressor to charge it. You could probably use a hand pump, such as a bicycle tire pump, to charge the SpeedyFill. I could test that, if you are interested.

You can easily check the pressure in the canister with a tire pressure guage via the schrader valve mounted in the fill port cap. You also use that valve to release any residual pressure before you refill it. You could pre-charge the SpeedyFill and use it later. Mine holds pressure for several days. It would be very hard to overcharge it. I'm told it will hold something like 600 psi before deforming.

You have access to 4 external air supplies, TIRES. I have seen a homemade rig that uses a hose with bicycle pump type fitting that you press onto your tire to transfer fluids, great for trail, no additional pump required. Unless you servicing a fleet of vehicles, I would hope 4 SUV size tires would be more than enough volume to add a few quarts of fluid.
