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90TM, 93TM head questions


May 8, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Jefferson, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92Explorer XLT
At it again...
Just a few questions for folks with more knowledge than me.

1) Coolant loss in the '92 is finally getting to point gonna have to fix. Antifreeze finally showing up in exhaust; oil clean, no blowback through radiator. Any chance it is only head gaskets? Previously replaced LIM gasket which was breached near #3 cylinder. Bottom line is gone from refilling coolant overflow every 500/600 miles to about half that. Get the unmistakeable antifreeze aroma intermittently, strongest on restart after short trip.
2) What is a reasonable price for heads? Found a place in Fairmont WV advertising new pair for $398, valves/springs installed. Got complete gasket kit left over from LIM project, so only need LIM gasket and head bolts. Also, is it feasible to use old rockers, pushrods? Operating on no budget, laid off for over a year...all cheap, effective fixes most welcome. Really would like to have heads on hand when I start this project so all bases are covered.

Thank you.

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$398 a pair sounds about like what I paid for new aftermarket heads at NAPA a few years back. Aftermarket is what you want for a permanent fix, not remanufactured. Check prices against online sites like RockAuto and 1AAuto. Your old rockers should be fine. Check that your pushrods are true and not worn shorter. The stock valvetrain can run for hundreds of thousands of miles so it is probably fine.

Thanks Arco777. Rock Auto wants $280 apiece for remans. + $75 core ea. + $25 shipping ea. This J&C Enterprises I found wants $398 pr. new aftermarket castings, free shipping and 30 days to return cores with no charge. $150 after 30. (Core return is on them also as long as you use box replacement came in) That's why I was looking for input. Seems too good to b tru. Place is only 40 miles or so from me, so I'll probly look before buying. Surely they are not Chinese??? Should the casting have place of origin?

By the way folks, After 1 year 2 months FINALLY got work TODAY. There is hope. Now I definitely gotta get this done. 60 miles 1 way to job.

$200/head is about right. There are a lot of places selling the same thing for more, though.

You shouldn't have to pay a core or return used heads when buying new, non-reman heads.

The good heads all seem to be from the same manufacturer in Australia, of all places. The REALLY good ones were made in Germany. The casting won't have the place of origin but the box should. Call and ask about the brand, country of origin, etc. if you have any doubt what you're getting.

... The good heads all seem to be from the same manufacturer in Australia, of all places. The REALLY good ones were made in Germany. The casting won't have the place of origin but the box should. ...
Are there any visible casting differences between the German and Australian heads?
There's usually some minor difference, even with Ford heads, when cast at different plants.

There probably are, but you'd need to see them side by side and compare them to notice, or at least have reference photos.

As far as I've heard, the Australian heads are based on the discontinued German aftermarket heads, possibly even cast from reproductions of the German molds.

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