99 Ford Explorer cutoff switch location??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Ford Explorer cutoff switch location???


New Member
February 11, 2009
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O-Town, Fl
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1999 Ford Explorer
Hello, I am new to the forum. I have a 1999 Ford Explorer and is experiencing stalling /hesitation when making a turn in traffic. I think it might be my Fuel Pump cutoff switch. Does anyone knows where the location of it, help and thanks a heap.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I have already replaced the MAF, Mass Airflow sensor, but what is an IAC valve? Where is it (IAC valve) located as well. I'll clean it if I know what it looks like and location, thanks.

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Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I have already replaced the MAF, Mass Airflow sensor, but what is an IAC valve? Where is it (IAC valve) located as well. I'll clean it if I know what it looks like and location, thanks.


The inertia switch is located in the passenger feet area up near the firewall. You will have to pull the carpet to get to it. Make sure the wire on the bottom is firmly attached.
