A few questions about power distribution and engine maintenance. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A few questions about power distribution and engine maintenance.


April 28, 2007
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2004 Explorer XLT
(This is copied from another thread I started)

Hey there, Im from Chicago and Im happy to Join the Forum. Right away I have two things to say, I want to learn as much from you people as possible and Im already well into my custom journey and look forward to anything you all can assist me with.

Its great to have a community based around owning an Explorer.

Okay I have some questions for the end, but Ill cut right to the meat and potatos. Heres the rig.

'98 XLT


Road tires. Nothin special.


Here is the dash, center console and middle console. Thats an Alpine CDA-9835 Mp3/ CD/*insert audio formats* player in there and a tomtom 330 go(love that flippin thing).


Gate shot.


Here is the Audio Foundation. Thats an ADS P42-something or other 200 Watt 4 channel. It powers some Nakamichi 5.25's and 6x9's in the doors and, up until recently, I had another 500 Watt powering some dual voice coil Nakamichi 10's, but it decided to just....not turn on one day. So I went for broke and bought new 12's, a 2.0 Farad Cap and an 800 Watt 2 channel amp to bring my bass back up to speed. Here is the setup sans the amp*currently scheduled to be delivered by tue 05/01.


New 12's


And mah switches, knobs and other things that get in the way.



Here I just twist negatives in a twisty cap*sorry for not knowing the technical term* and twist and tape the positives together for my interior additional lights, and the external spots and fogs. There has got to be a better way to share ground and positive electron flow without completely jerry rigging the mess and having it end up looking like this-


Can anyone suggest anything to help organize my ground and positive 12 volt source? All the power distribution blocks I can find dont have fits for anything smaller than 12 gauge. I would be greatful if you guys had any suggestions.

Next question. I change the oil myself, transfer oil, differental, trans, air filter, fuel filter, radiator, I can do that stuff myself, but I need some advice on three things.

1. What can I use to clean the oxidization off the battery heads*isnt that what its called*? The nasty crusty stuff.


Also, a recent visit to the local trusted auto shop for a tune up ended up in having one of their greasemonkeys break that plastic manifold on top of the engine. Anyone know where I can get another? Or a replacement?


And what is the best way to clean this engine? Get all of the dust out of it? Should I just hit it with the hose? Is there a method? Am I foolish for thinking there is a method? Any help is welcome.

If anyone read this all the way through I thank you, If I dont get any responses then at least I introduced myself and Im still happy to have found this place.

I used to think I was the only one who loved my explorer like a pet, but I see Im not alone.

Some of the mods I have seen here are amazingly creative and original. Im learning about a sustance called bondo and malleable fiberglass, and Im dying for any help on how I can modify my console for a 6 inch LCD.

So thats me, and those are my questions.

Nice to meet you all.

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Wow, nice first post! The pictures help greatly- we love pictures on here.

As for your wiring for accessories, your best bet is to do away with the 12v plugs and sockets- just run a power wire to the console to power all of your stuff and free up your 12v outlets for other things. For that matter, the plug on the side of your console has a 12+ that can be tapped on the inside of the console to power your stuff.

A wire nut is not a bad idea to connect all of your wires, I am using one in mine right now. You can use a distribution block like for car audio to split the power around.

For washing your motor, I like whitewall cleaner sprayed on a cool motor, then soapy water and a wash mitt to clean the hard to reach areas. Rinse throughly, but avoid the coil packs and alternator with direct spray.

I think you can clean battery terminals with baking soda and a toothbrush- they also make anti corrosion spray after you get the terminals clean.


Thank your for your response. Today I did what you suggested and my battery is clean and most of the dust is off the engine.

My next question is, I have removed my overhead console and I want to install a flip lcd to use as display for my devices. There is only one set of cables that connects to the entire module. Can I utilize my positive and negative power sources from that bundle of wires and also, what do I need to do to run AV cables through the ceiling, down the doors, and into the dash, when I insall my Headunit.

Bonus question: Can I install a DVD flip up screen and my alpine head unit in the space provided? I see double wiring harnesses on EBAY and across the web but I dont know if they fit or if its just a cheap rip.

Thanks again, your advice helped me and Im taking more pics when my stereo is completed.

if you're in a situation where you need to clean your battery corrosion, you can always pour some coke/dr.pepper and it will desolve the corrosion...

if you're in a situation where you need to clean your battery corrosion, you can always pour some coke/dr.pepper and it will desolve the corrosion...

Thanks for the advice. I poured a quarter of a can of coke on the positive terminal and after half and hour, it was falling off the electrode. I used a wooden non-conductive wire brush on the negative terminal and it worked even better, I had the entire top of the battery scraped clean and washed with a damp rag in minutes.

Thanks for the advice. I poured a quarter of a can of coke on the positive terminal and after half and hour, it was falling off the electrode. I used a wooden non-conductive wire brush on the negative terminal and it worked even better, I had the entire top of the battery scraped clean and washed with a damp rag in minutes.

excellent :thumbsup:

Wow, nice first post! The pictures help greatly- we love pictures on here.

As for your wiring for accessories, your best bet is to do away with the 12v plugs and sockets- just run a power wire to the console to power all of your stuff and free up your 12v outlets for other things. For that matter, the plug on the side of your console has a 12+ that can be tapped on the inside of the console to power your stuff.

Would I be able to run another 12v (cigg lighter) outlet to my glove box? which would be the easiest place to tap from?


Would I be able to run another 12v (cigg lighter) outlet to my glove box? which would be the easiest place to tap from?


You can purchase a new outlet from any old shop, (pep boys, autozone, *shudders* or napa and just tap into the existing wires from either the front or side adapter and snake the wire into your glove box. If you are really industrious, you could actually mount the thing in the bottom if there is enough clearance.

Ahh, very nice idea, I have no idea if there is enough clearance though, I'll have to check that out. It is good that I can tap into the other ones, would there be any issue if both outlets were being used at the same time?

thanks again.
