About to pull what little hair out I have left.or 97 exp stall no start/no fuel press | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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About to pull what little hair out I have left.or 97 exp stall no start/no fuel press


Active Member
July 25, 2004
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97 xlt
driving home happy after spending 700.00 for a used transfer case.started running rough lacking power missing.finally stalled.try to restart and nothing but cranking.turn key on listen for fuel pump....nothing.check fuel presure.....nothing.
checked fuses,relays,and inirtia switch.Jumped relay nothing.checked for power at tank....nothing to sending unit.So any ideas what to check now?

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Bang on the tank..... sometimes this will get the pump to kick on... Whos Horney idea was it to put the pump IN THE TANK????? Id get rid of that setup and put the pump on the frame rail....

Sounds like the fuel pump.. if you turn they key to ON it should make a buzzing sound for 1 second , test it in a quiet place , after pull the harness and put it to a light bulb so you can see it flash for a second when you turn the key.. if it flashed the pump is dead which is a common thing on exes ,, changing it is a pain in the ass , you need a special tool to remove the lines and of course dropping the tank is no piece of cake. took me a few days the first time around.

Bang on the tank..... sometimes this will get the pump to kick on... Whos Horney idea was it to put the pump IN THE TANK????? Id get rid of that setup and put the pump on the frame rail....

I would be happy with an access door in the floor panel. Some well designed cars actually do have this....Pump would take 15 min to replace.

I made my own fuel pump access door on my 96. Just behind the folded down driver side seat.

let's see it , it would be nice to do this job sitting in the back seat and not having to drain 50 litres of gas.

I don't have the 96 any more, so no pics, but i'll tell you how I did it. First off I work with sheet metal so this was extra easy for me. You can approximate it's location from the underside, then to open the sheet metal up from inside, use a unibit (step bit) or drill a series of holes with any metal bit in a pattern big enough to fit the jaws of a tin snips in. Cut an opening big enough to look into with a flashlight and locate the pump. Cut the opening bigger. Patching is easy too. I used caulking, flat metal and screws. There was plenty of room to get the pump in and out. Good luck.

just checked again. no power.checked at inertia switch no power.switched relays no power.Where to now?

when you say no power are you cranking it ? does everything else work , just not the fuel system ?

there is the problem-
no power to the PCM
The light should come on with the key.

The fuel pump circuit only get's power AFTER the PCM passes it's POST,( power on self test) The check engine light tells you this has happened.

Check the PCM fuses, and PCM relay.

Maybe it's a dead battery?

Does the check engine light turn on with the key?

there is the problem-
no power to the PCM
The light should come on with the key.

The fuel pump circuit only get's power AFTER the PCM passes it's POST,( power on self test) The check engine light tells you this has happened.

Check the PCM fuses, and PCM relay.

this is where you need to be focused right now.

ok I'll check those when I get home from work tonight. thanks. :beer:

# 19 fuse keeps blowing

19 is for ingnition coil-pcm system

it runs bad should I suspect a bad coil or?

# 19 fuse keeps blowing

19 is for ingnition coil-pcm system

it runs bad should I suspect a bad coil or?

This is good--well, at least now there is something to work with.

try disconnecting the coil (harness plug) -and replace the fuse. See what happens when you turn on the key-

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ok.wiggled wires found nothing wrong.runs with out blowing fuse today.runs real bad.missing.still no check engine light.is it possible the pcm is bad?coil pack? where should I look now?
