ABS problems- can't stop!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS problems- can't stop!!


Well-Known Member
December 13, 2000
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Troy, NY
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'95 EB..wit da frawg eyez
Ok, after blowing through a red light because of a little snow my truck doesnt stop when the anti locks kick on..
Right now one of my abs sensors is bad. I know this because right before the truck comes to a complete stop (about 5 MPH) the anitlocks kick on at every stop. It has been like this since I owned the truck, which is about a year. My questions are...
If I pull the ABS fuse (if there is one) will the anti-locks kick on still?
Will the truck stop normal?

Thanks guys! Your always a great help.

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Originally posted by regulator

If I pull the ABS fuse (if there is one) will the anti-locks kick on still?
Will the truck stop normal?

I would assume is would just disable the ABS and it would be like stoping with normal brakes. But make sure that that fuse isn't the same fuse that controls the power brakes.

well.. there is really only one good way to answer your questions... try it!!!

Where is the ABS fuse...in the engine bay or in the dash?

Odd but true...my fiance's car had a ABS sensor wire that was misrouted. The tire rubbed the wire when turning..spliced the wire...and every now and then..the pedal would go to the floor! All because of one bad wire connection.

Removing the ABS fuse will give you normal brakes.

I hate ABS. It may be great on some 100K europeon sports car, but I haven't been in one American car that had ABS that worked for sh*t.

I 2nd Rick's opinion and knowledge. I had an intermiten (sp) rear ABS light on my 92 and I could tell the rear brakes weren't right. I pulled the fuse, now I have a constant (no more flashing) rear ABS light, and I have rear brakes.

Do you know where the fuse is for my truck? You pulled your fuse and they work fine?

The fuse is under the hood in the big fuse, relay box.

Yep, mine has been gone for ages. ABS light stays on all the time. Hopefully it will burn out soon :D

Disconnect your ABS at your own risk!

The system is designed by the manufacturer to function normally without ABS.

Thanks Rick!
I'll let you know how it goes later on today!!!

OH NO!!!
I dont have the owners manual and the fuse number isnt labeled and its not in the Haynes repair manual!!!
Please help 95 ford explorer.
I jsut need to know which one to pull

Go to www.ownerconnection.com and register your VIN with Ford. You will then be able to download a .PDF of your owner's manual, complete with fuse locations.

Its not availible for a 95 on the ford web page

Well that sucks. I knew they only went back so far, but I was thinking that they went back through '95.

ANYone know what fuse it is? I cant find anyone with valuable info

Start another thread asking if anyone has the owners manual.

This is from a 96. Should be the same.


  • underhoodfusebox.jpg
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WELL, After driving around for a year and a half on a bad ABS sensor, with them kicking on for every stop. I HAVE FINALLY FIXED THEM!!!!!!!!!!
thank you everybody!!! I appreciate all of your time and efforts. Hopefully I can help somone as much as you have helped me!!!!

ps.- Now I jsut gotta break the ABS bulb:D shhhh...dont tell

Re: FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps.- Now I jsut gotta break the ABS bulb:D shhhh...dont tell [/B]

A small piece of black electrical tape will do wonders......
