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Added LED High-Beams & Dash Camera.

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There's nothing in there on my 19 console, on my 12 f 150 it was the same. I removed the console and added a strip of 9 50/50 side leds tapped into the 12v charging port of the back, of the console for power along with a pressure switch to shut them off and on.

Same thing wil, need to be done to the Explorer console and glove box. As my glove box has opening where the light and switch would go, but there's a delete plate snapped into the opening where it should be.

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I’ll look in mine to see where the light is. I think it is on the right side. Not home now…

Mine is set up as yours is
believe me mine is installed correctly
This don't change the sun baking the internal battery in the cam
You will see ;)
Unless your hard wired to your car battery
Then you're using it
Not the cam battery
Wait a summer then unplug it and see how long it stays on

Not trying to call your cam ****
just the battery installed in both our cams sucks

The cam itself is great
The software is freaking great to
Gotcha, mine I a weekend ride so doesn't get driven often. I've had it 13 months and put 4k miles on it.

Gotcha, mine I a weekend ride so doesn't get driven often. I've had it 13 months and put 4k miles on it.
Did you install the software on your pc ??

Did you install the software on your pc ??
If you mean for the Nextbase dash cam. No, I didn't install anything on my desktop or laptop. Should I, for firmware updates I assume?

I got mine from best buy tech Insider Network for free, it's a model not yet available to buy. I only need to write a honest review on it after 5 days of use.

If you mean for the Nextbase dash cam. No, I didn't install anything on my desktop or laptop. Should I, for firmware updates I assume?

I got mine from best buy tech Insider Network for free, it's a model not yet available to buy. I only need to write a honest review on it after 5 days of use.

Should work with
your cam try it

@Toddman41 I checked the glovebox light in mine. It is where yours is. The Ford part number on it is 8A53-15A563A. The writing is so small I think I got it right. I did not find anything online for that number. But found this:

Anything I need to know about those high beams? They're in my cart now.

@Toddman41 I checked the glovebox light in mine. It is where yours is. The Ford part number on it is 8A53-15A563A. The writing is so small I think I got it right. I did not find anything online for that number. But found this:

Anything I need to know about those high beams? They're in my cart now.
Just a simple bulb swap, I've used them 2x and man are they bright compared to the Stock bulbs.

Thanks Todd. I will order.

Thanks Todd. I will order.
No problem, I wonder why they deleted the glove box light on the 2019? As yours is a 2018 and has it. Odd, I could understand if mine was a xlt, but both are Limiteds, lol.

No problem, I wonder why they deleted the glove box light on the 2019? As yours is a 2018 and has it. Odd, I could understand if mine was a xlt, but both are Limiteds, lol.
Definitely weird.

No problem, I wonder why they deleted the glove box light on the 2019? As yours is a 2018 and has it. Odd, I could understand if mine was a xlt, but both are Limiteds, lol.
It looks like the 2021 also doesn't have a light.


Just a simple bulb swap, I've used them 2x and man are they bright compared to the Stock bulbs.
Installed mine today. Wasn't simple for me. They were hard to get to. Then putting in the new ones were tough and I had to use channel locks to get the last turn to tighten them in so they were straight.

Mine stick out more than yours too.

I'll test them in the dark later today.

Now I believe I am 100% led (I know I said this before).

Installed mine today. Wasn't simple for me. They were hard to get to. Then putting in the new ones were tough and I had to use channel locks to get the last turn to tighten them in so they were straight.

Mine stick out more than yours too.
View attachment 343091

I'll test them in the dark later today.

Now I believe I am 100% led (I know I said this before).
No, same. And yes it was a tight fit getting my hand in there. But better than removing the hosing or the bumper like most newer cars and SUVs

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Oh. Ok. I zoomed in on your pic in the first post and thought it was different. Thanks.
