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Alignments at Sears.

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Sears is OK, they have given me a printout of the measurements everytime. Plus they are nation wide, so if you are on a trip and drop into a deep pothole and the rig starts pulling to one side, go to the nearest Sears!

Even in NE Montana, where (with binoculars) you can watch your dog run away for 3 days. There is a Sears in Williston ND.

That is my biggest fear, to be thousands of miles from the shop that gaurantees their work and have that work go bad.

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The Sears by me sucks. They have great products, I love Craftsman tools, warenty is unbeatable. But the work that they do is shotty and they are a**holes, too.

Been using sears for years so yes, I like them. 6 mon/6000mile warranty. I always get a printout of the conditions before and after the work. You can bring it in everyday of the warranty and they check it free if you like.

I had Sears re-align my truck last month after rebuilding the front end. They got it right and correctly re-centered the steering wheel. Like any shop it depends on the ability (or lack thereof) of the mechanic doing the work.

no matter what mine eats alignment like crazy, and i don't even drive it hard....i got my alignment at ford yesterday, i just like the service there better and it only cost me 35 bucks...:chug:...i liked that part. I don't really see a problem with sears doing the job never have had it done by them.

anyone else have trouble keeping there rig from going out of alignment
