All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005 | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005

i am no where near ready.
here is what i have to do
Swap in rear axle
Plumb lockers
plugs and wires
i am sure there is more

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Ok, looks like Ill just meet you guys at the campsite. Or maybe in Harrisburg.....hmmm I have no idea. I wont be going through Carlisle so I can tmeet up there.

Tex, I don't care where you meet up with us as long as you're there to do the ExplorerForum dance :D

Fugless, you suck :p

Kev and anyone stayin in our "hotle", I think it breaks down to something like $20 each.

Earthquake69, A) I HIGHLY doubt you could cause an "Earthquake 69" B) "UnforTUNAtely" for you I've just revoked my personal belief that 'beating up invalids is wrong'. Apparently that slapnut with the stripey sport has been a bad inflence on you.... :eek:

I havent kept up with the thread because i cant make it but i am coming to the hotel on friday night or somewhere close. Is there anything going on friday night?

I've come to the conclusion that my truck's not lowered....he's just a freakin' MIDGET! It's like "Where's Waldo?" :D


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Spas said:
I've come to the conclusion that my truck's not lowered....he's just a freakin' MIDGET! It's like "Where's Waldo?" :D

I have nothing to do with this thread or the show, but I saw that pic (clicked on wrong link-oops) and started laughing.

I should, however, point out that they prefer to be called "little people" now. :D :D

Spas said:
I've come to the conclusion that my truck's not lowered....he's just a freakin' MIDGET! It's like "Where's Waldo?" :D

More like a small fish in a big pond???.......

I thought the PC term was verticly challenged

hey spas Look what happens when you get old you shrink or that you just got a small ride.

right now I no where near ready but i have three days off from wrk to get everything read yfor next week

ActionJackson said:
I thought the PC term was verticly challenged

I wonder if there is a way to condense " Verticly challenged " into a vanity tag ?

That would be cool :cool:

Vanity plate-SHORT-- Now I am getting notices from thie thread. :S

Brian_B said:
I have nothing to do with this thread or the show, but I saw that pic (clicked on wrong link-oops) and started laughing.

I should, however, point out that they prefer to be called "little people" now. :D :D

Hey now.. He's got a big heart! :p :D

i gotta get tank legal... it's embarrasing being the itty bitty one at our 4x4 dinners..

Does anyone that is coming have an SWR meter than can tune my new CB antenna? :D

I asked our guide to bring his to the campground saturday night we can do some tuning ;)

Spas said:
I asked our guide to bring his to the campground saturday night we can do some tuning ;)

Schweet! :D I love you guys!!!

Can we get an address to this camp ground. Ill be meeting you guys there. Im meeting a friend for lunch in Harrisburg (some might remember her as the girl Mike referred to as "oh ****" from the resturaunt we were at). Also can you include any fees that we have to pay if we are camping, I think I still have my tent somewhere so I can bring that.

Aight gang, check your Pm boxes for directions and such! If anyone has any questions, PM or call me... can't garauntee I'll pick up, might be busy doing *ahem* other things :D (wiggles eyebrows). I promise I'll get back to you though!

Spas said:
might be busy doing *ahem* other things :D (wiggles eyebrows).

Oh you mean you might be delivering boxes? Cause it sure as hell isn't anything else :p

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Numidian said:
Oh you mean you might be delivering boxes? Cause it sure as hell isn't anything else :p


Sounds good Lindsy. I'm shooting at being at the hotle for 8ish. I may be bringing a friend. He hasn't given me a definite yes or no yet.
