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All you need to know about keyless entry

thanks for the great info

Thanks to the O.P. for this great write up.
I was able to get the system functioning.I do believe the exterior keypad buttons are worn and will need a replacement very soon.
I was able to use this info to obtain a pair of key fobs via Amazon and today I successfully programmed them.
I had a hard time getting teh 99 into programming mode until I read this post and it showed me what I was doing wrong(turning the key too far back into "lock" position).
Made all the difference in my success.


thanks to all who share so I might catch up and learn,

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I have a 96 XLT that I bought used (headed for the crusher), but, I have revitalized it and am using it daily. Your post has already helped me bunches along with all the other info that it prompted. My question is that when I cycle the ignition to program remotes I bought at a junkyard, my locks cycle on the 5th time and do not cycle on the 8th. Do I have a problem I don't know about? Since replacing the driver's door jamb switch and repairing a wire in the door jamb boot, I can't find anything else that does not work properly. If you could shed some light it sure would be a big help. Thanks.

If you enter your code and then hit 3/4 as a sixth digit for your code it unlocks all your doors for you.... atleast it does on mine....


Nice little trick...I've owned my 99 Explorer since it was new and never knew this...really comes in handy. Thanks.

I need help with a Ford remote keyless entry system. This type simply has keyless remotes, there is no door keypad. I cannot get the system to enter programming mode. This system was installed in 1999 by the dealer. I have the owner’s manual for the system.
The manual states to press the programming button while the driver side door is open and the ignition key is turned on. The horn should sound three times after 10 to 15 seconds. Unfortunately, when I do this the keyless entry does not respond at all. I have also tried cycling the key on and off eight times, as described in this thread, to no avail. The module number is F7AZ-54220K51-AA. I believe it was produced by Code Alarm. I’d appreciate any suggestions you can give me. Thanks in advance!

Unable to locate "computer module" for Factory code


We just purchased a used 2010 Eddie Bauer and the dealer (not ford) didn't have the keyless entry code. I'm trying to locate the "computer module" described in the owners manual which states the 5 letter code is on it.

It's not in the rear near the jack or behind the access panel in the back.

I read through all the pages on this thread and there is nothing referencing the 2010. Any help to locate the code would be greatly appreciated.


We just purchased a used 2010 Eddie Bauer and the dealer (not ford) didn't have the keyless entry code. I'm trying to locate the "computer module" described in the owners manual which states the 5 letter code is on it.

It's not in the rear near the jack or behind the access panel in the back.

I read through all the pages on this thread and there is nothing referencing the 2010. Any help to locate the code would be greatly appreciated.

That's because you are looking in the "2nd Generation" forum - 1995-1999 Explorers. You need to look in the "4th Generation" forum. Good luck.

hello everybody,

taking the lid off of the oem alarm of my X 99 found 7 dip switches to program the alarm. does anyone know what they are for?

just in case you have a 2002 explorer sport 4x4 this module is through the left rear speaker. on my wifes 2001 explorer sport 4x2 it's as discribed above .

Once again you are my hero. I just got this 98 explorer used from a dealer (not ford) and they told me they didn't have the code and couldn't get it for me. You would think that they would be bright enough to look it up and add one more selling point to the explorer.

I tried all that and the factory code does not work. Pressing 7/9 and9/0 key pads will lock the doors. All buttons will light running board lights. Any suggestions on what to do next?

My factory code works, but I can get it to program my new code. No big deal though.

Just bought two remotes and programmed them thanks to this! My only question is, when I price the lock button twice why does the alarm go off? Any other factory ford I've had hitting the lock button twice arms the alarm.

Need help here, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. So here's the deal... My explorer will no longer auto lock or unlock when put in and out of park. (It was working before). Additionally it will not lock the doors when pushing the 7/8, 9/0 buttons simultaneously (it was working before).. Having said that I have tried the following with no avail and am not sure where to go from here.

1) replaced keypad and wiring
2) replaced RAP module (exact same symptoms)
3) checked all fuses and relays related to the system (all good)
4) GEM still recognizes keys as when depressed the interior lights come on
5) created a new personalized code incorporating 7/8 , 9/0 and it will unlock the doors when used in the 5 digit sequence but will not lock them when pressed together

Both issues occurred at the same time.

Any ideas?

Need help here, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. So here's the deal... My explorer will no longer auto lock or unlock when put in and out of park. (It was working before). Additionally it will not lock the doors when pushing the 7/8, 9/0 buttons simultaneously (it was working before).. Having said that I have tried the following with no avail and am not sure where to go from here.

1) replaced keypad and wiring
2) replaced RAP module (exact same symptoms)
3) checked all fuses and relays related to the system (all good)
4) GEM still recognizes keys as when depressed the interior lights come on
5) created a new personalized code incorporating 7/8 , 9/0 and it will unlock the doors when used in the 5 digit sequence but will not lock them when pressed together

Both issues occurred at the same time.

Any ideas?

There is a wire coming out of the plug on the RAP. It is pnk/yel. This wire does the lock all feature. Could be broken, frayed, etc. somewhere. I would try checking it. Also, you could check the data wire. it is lt blu/wht. Though I would imagine that the lock all wire could cause both issues.

So I know old post but still. Is there an easy way to read this code? located the RAP box in the back panel, but there's no way to possible to see it with your eyes without taking off the panel. Is this the only way to be able to really see it?

No. It's not the only way. If you can find a small mirror, you can put it on a stick or something and use a flashlight and mirror to read it. Or if you have a smartphone, shine a flashlight back there and stick your phone on video as far back as you can. Sometimes, the sticker is able to be read easily, sometimes it's not. Just depends on how they slipped the sticker on. you will just have to try different ways and hope one works

If you don't care about looks, just cut the panel itself. That's what I ended up doing to mine. I used a small jigsaw and cut my own access panel.

No. It's not the only way. If you can find a small mirror, you can put it on a stick or something and use a flashlight and mirror to read it. Or if you have a smartphone, shine a flashlight back there and stick your phone on video as far back as you can. Sometimes, the sticker is able to be read easily, sometimes it's not. Just depends on how they slipped the sticker on. you will just have to try different ways and hope one works

I'll try the mirror when i get a chance, stuck my iphone back there today and tried to snap a decent picture of it but couldnt get one. I'l trying it on video tomorrow when it's light out.

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Yea, video is a much better bet with the iPhone. It can't adjust the resolution since it is so close and taking a 2d picture. There is nothing else to create a focal point.
