annoying squealing that gets louder with the engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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annoying squealing that gets louder with the engine


Well-Known Member
June 28, 2003
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ypsilanti, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 ranger XLT
I have one 700 watt amp running my 10" sub and a 200 watt amp running all my door speakers. I have scraped all of the paint away to ground each. It just started doin this. when I accelerate the squealing gets louder. I can't figure out what the problem is.

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two more possibilities...

rca's close to power cable possibly touching, or not shielded properly.....
head unit ground...

ground worked loose?

the raido ground is wired to the stock harness. Should I regroung my alternater?? The rca and the power are next to eachother why does that make a difference? They are insulated properley.

bnichols04 said:
the raido ground is wired to the stock harness. Should I regroung my alternater?? The rca and the power are next to eachother why does that make a difference? They are insulated properley.

move them apart, preferably on other sides of the vehicle.... you will get alternator whine transferred to the rca's from the power cable, that may not be the problem, but it sure sounds like it..

you could try moving your amps ground as well, maybe its just not a good location?

I have changee the amps grounds like 3 times now. I don' understand why the rca and the power have to be seperate. I will try that cuz I have no choices left. Anymore suggestions???

Even though the RCA's are shielded, the amp power wire puts out alot of interference. I have had this problem in my cougar, and i moved the Rca's to the other side, and it fixed it. If not, I might recomment going with a gauge higfher ground (if youre using 8GA, get a 4ga ground....4GA, get a 2ga Ground) That will also help. The biggest thing you can do is to seperate the two wires. hope this helps.

Power wire and RCA's MUST be separated to avoid this very problem... you should be able to run one down the driver side and the other down the passenger side... although I haven't run the wires down the passenger side, I did run the RCA's straight down the center of the car and the power down the drivers side.. worked just fine with no engine noise... I can tell you from past experiences that every time I made the mistake of attempting to run these wires side by side, I always ended up with engine hiss/whine coming through the amp/amps...

sounds like a ground loop, are you bolting both the grounds down in the same place?

try searching about the rca's and power wire if you want an explanation. they need to be apart to help solve your issue

i had this problem in my car once it turned out that the power antenna wire was used as the remote turn on for the amp and that was the cause of the alt buzz just a thought

if after seperating you still have the noise go get a in- line noise filter sometimes theres nothing you can do what kind of amp do you have alot of cheap amps will do that the filter goes as close to the batt. as possible it will fix your problem if nothing else works if it dont you have a amp problem. also you can get powered filters and regular try the regular first if no go get the powered if no go get better amp. good luck friend

Hey guys, long time no see. I just put my system that was in my explorer in my ram and i've got lots of problems. I had this same amp/sub/wire configuration setup in 2 explorers with no problems. Now that I put it in my ram I have all kinds of interference from RPM's, the blinker, power windows, power locks... you name it, if its a button and I press it I hear it in the subs. I also get a constant thumping when the HU is powering up and powering down. I have my amp power wire and RCA's running down the same side... just like I always have (but looks like I might have to change that). What would make the pressing of buttons cause interference. The amp ground?

Ford actually has a TSB on this whine. They sell a Gound Loop Isolater that they want installed in the gas tank next to the fuel pump. I have the same whine on my 99 mountaineer but have'nt had the time to do this yet. If I find the TSB # again I will post it. Please keep me posted if you find out any other reasons.

I have a 20 amp heavy duty noise filter that might help :dunno:
