Any more new englanders here? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any more new englanders here?

Originally posted by DEROCHA
Just dropping everyone a note to introduce myself and say hi. My name is John and I am the original owner of a '93 xlt 4x4. This vehicle currently has 120K, and I'm going to keep it going for another 10yrs. I do 98% of all work on my X (I don't like anyone working on my vehicles while I'm not around). The shop gets my x for transmission flushes and alignments the rest is me. If anyone needs help or assistance with first gens just ask...

Brockton! HAHAHAHA!!! :D How do you like "Broxbury?" One of my friends used to call it that to compare it to Roxbury. :rolleyes: My mom lives in Stoughton and I make frequent trips down there. You and I could easily hook up!! :cool:

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Its not so much the long drive to Maine as it the distance.. I mean who wants to drive 150+ miles to go hard wheeling and take a chance stuff won't break. If my X was bomb proof then fine, but in its slightly modified state I would be limited to easy trails..

Robbins1677 - Have you every gotten stuck or broken down? What about vehicle recovery? I just have a bad feeling that I'm far from home and my X has a trany failure in the middle of nowhere...I then have to shell out major $$$ to have my vehicle recovered...

hey guys. I am from NH. I live near lake Winni and work in portsmouth. i am not new to the site but haven't visited often. trying to make it more of a habbit as i want to start some off-roading. hit me up anytime.



I have broken down many a time on the trails here in maine. But there is always someone near by who is willing to give ya a hand. Most mainers look to help people get unstuck or fix a problem, its just as fun to as a the actual wheeling sometime. And its always worth the drive for the experiece and the sites that you get while wheeling here in maine. there is nothing else like it.

Wow I hadn't checked this thread in a loooong time but there ended up being a lot more people in NE than I thought.

VT - Izackary, Rx4phun

MA - Me(Scormunch), FourXFred, V8BoatBuilder, Karl_Burns, Blueoval, Jester1994, DEROCHA, evoq007, Nick26

NH - Mgould3090, Hawkeye'97, snocross1985, Gary599, GenLee01

RI - 99explorer5.0, jar2187, thebrownhornet

CT - Outrun84, agoric875, 03XLTDAN, SoBeLover, springtensi0n, noxen, 2001ExpSport

ME - AintNoFantasy, xplordakota, Robbins1677

I know there are some more, so keep adding!

im going on a run too brookline NH next sunday (october 31st) with a couple of my buddies, and was wondering if anyone wanted to join. brookline is about a 20 minute drive from nahsua, or an hour from worcester. if anyone wants to come do a full day of light to moderate off roading, let me know. stock vehicles are welcome, as its not too hard. instant message me at FourXFred

I don't know why I haven't posted here yet but I'm in West Springfield, MA. Neighbor to:

Springfield, MA: Home of the Basketball Hall of Fame
Holyoke, MA: Birthplace of Volleyball & Home of the Volleyball Hall of Fame (Ya, I never new there was one either.)

FourXFred: I'm tempted to go wheelin' but it's a little far for me. I notice you live in Lowell now. As in U-Mass Lowell? Go River Hawks! I'm from the Class of '92.

Fred: I thought it was illegal to wheel in NH. ;) If I get time off I might be able to sneak down, but no promises.

Scormunch: Don't forget Matt! (FordExplorer157) He lives in Essex Jct, I believe, near Burlington, in Vermont. Gary (Rx4phun) is actually from CT, but has gone to school in VT and makes trips here.

I am in Connecticut now until probably June but I am still go up to Burlington once a month or so. If this is all legal it sounds good

izackary: nope, not here. i think its private land that the owner lets us wheel on or something, i asked and was wrong about it begin state land. but it is definitely legal. so come wheel with us.

im going on a run too brookline NH next sunday (october 31st)

Dude! Which is it? Sunday? Or the 31st? Halloween is on Friday. Make up your mind!! :confused:

hehehe. ummm, let me look at the calendar. its sunday, but its novemver second. my bad!

ok. sunday is easier than friday. i'll see what i'm doing then, and if i have my "new" tires on by then. They're a generic mud/studdable snow tire, but they dig a hel of a lot better than my balding (and leaking) coopers i have now. they're old and one has a screw stuck in it, and one that my spare has replaced, caught a 5-inch jagged nail. I have your cell number, Fred, so if i can do it, i'll call ya and ask how to get there.

hey guys,

I live in Vermoint now so Sunday will be the ****
cant wait see you guys there

New England Explorer

Im in Rocky Hill CT.
Do some Lite 4X4, you know mud, sand,and some rocks in other part of state.
Thats my what the Explorer is for,
spent some$$ on upgrades as
well as fixes
Always up for a trail ride

just messin, I'm from wethersfield, and i'm always up for a run, let me know if you wanna go wheelin'

Ive been out the past 3 days.
Now its time to do a good cleaning.
There aren't alot of places in CT
not that I have found.
Im always checking out places, so lets get together and ride.

Scormunch, here's a couple to add to your list:

Rydinhigh (Mike) who is from East Hartford, CT

And my brother Vinnie (FordLover61) who I finally got to join the site after bugging him since July to do so :D

So lets update the list

VT - Izackary, Outrun84, FordExplorer157

MA - Scormunch, FourXFred, V8BoatBuilder, Karl_Burns, Blueoval, Jester1994, DEROCHA, evoq007, Nick26, MontanaGT

NH - Mgould3090, Hawkeye'97, snocross1985, Gary599, GenLee01

RI - 99explorer5.0, jar2187, thebrownhornet

CT - Rx4phun, agoric875, 03XLTDAN, SoBeLover, springtensi0n, noxen, 2001ExpSport, Rydinhigh, FordLover61, rfuree11, brazycaker

ME - AintNoFantasy, xplordakota, Robbins1677

Any more?

I'm from Saco, ME. I've got a stock '00, so I don't plan on hittin' the trails anytime soon, but I can't wait for some decent snow!

Plowed in your Driveway/Parking spot? No Problem!

Driveway/Parking Lot not plowed? No Problem!

Camp road not plowed all winter? No Problem!

Want to create your own parking space in a snow drift? No problem!

After two winters drving a Kia, I'm glad to have something that wont get stuck pulling out of my driveway (its got a slight grade) with a little ice/snow on it.

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Saco!! "Come see me, Jolly John, on Route 1 in Saco!!" :D I used to get channel 8 when i was a kid and they used to broadcast off Mt Washington. We always had fun with him, and Marty on the Mountain. :cool:

"We sell so many cahs because we BUY so many cahs!"
