Any way to hook cd changer to aftermarket radio? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any way to hook cd changer to aftermarket radio?


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2007
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City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
5.0L 98 XLT
I have the factory cd changer that works great, however I replaced my factory radio with an Alpine IVA-W205. Now the cd changer just gets used for storage. The magazine still ejects. Is there anyway to wire it to my new head unit?

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Those adapters are for hooking up an alpine cd changer to the factory radio. I'm going factory cd changer to aftermarket radio.

Impossible to control

There's no way you can control the Ford CD changer you have installed in your truck unless you procceed to make some changes. The reason is that CD changer signals (left & right) go directly to the Amplifier and a built-in mixer (inside the amplifier), better a protocol acting like a mixer, selects either the tuner (tape in ancient models) or CD changer.

If you want to integrate you CD changer with a brand new "stereo", you would need a controller (adapters) or use it via AUX. The controller is up to every manufacturer or equipment. Take a look at Pioneer controllers devices, for example, and you'll be able to understand the specific issue.

I just can't believe it is that difficult.

You can get the sound out, but it won't do you any good if you can not control it, might be cheaper to replace it with one that pairs up to your HU, than to have some one custom make an app + adapter that "translates" the signal from your HU into one that the changer can read

Heck with it I'll just go with the alpine dvd changer.:D
